Congealed Void Horror

The Congealed Void Horror in Netherstorm will not spawn. I have sat on it’s spawn location for 6 hours on Thursday and an hour or so each day on the subsequent days. I have attempted to gather multiple Void Waste and then reset them, so that they can all explode where the Horror spawns at, at around the same time. However, nothing is working.

Any suggestions or blue posts to help would be greatly appreciated.

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Saw it get killed on my server about an hour and a half into server reset; it can be killed and looted in a raid group but only if you do any damage to it. No damage, no quest item. Pretty sure it was the only spawn we will see this week, same as last week unless there was a fix. Will update if there is another spawn (doubtful).

blizzard fix this, kinda stupid that you have to wait for a tuesday for this to spawn