Confused about today's maintanence

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Patch 2.5.2 Releases

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i already read the patch notes and its not very clear in relation to the two maintanences. so i if im reading this right yesterday was for putting the assets in and today is actual maintenance?

Yesterday was login/auth server maintenance as far as I saw

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Yesterday was maintenance for the login server I believe, the game was playable as long as you didn’t log out.

They did tell you. Youre just too slow or stubborn to accept it. They said that it was for the stuff listed here several times. Its everything for Phase 2 minus hitting the button for ssc / tk.

How hard is this to grasp?

Today is the official patch maintenance. Everything in phase 2 is being put into the game. HOWEVER, only certain features like gbank is available. LFG tool, the engineering goggles and other professions recipe (though most of them are BOP patterns that drop from new raids).

The new raids will officially open on the 15th at 6 PM server time. Arena season 1 will continue for 1 more week until the 7th and then will have 1 week of offseason/skirmish only arenas until the 15th which season 2 begins. Dailies for Ogri’la and Sha’tari Skyguard opens on the 15th as well.

Yesterday’s maintenance was to fix an issue (forget what issue) but it was for a cash shop feature. It took login server offline for few hours.

They said that about yesterday’s maintenance?

Btw, no need to take what people say about Blizzard personally.

It’s a trust fall but with all horny nerd guys trying to grope their dangerously obese blue haired feminist allies.

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So patch 2.5.2, and likely the other content ready to be unlocked in next few weeks. Think of it as the prepatch.

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The Phase 2 launch patch is officially slated for 15 September 2021.

Yes… that’s for other major things being added. This prepatch gives a few things early. So later today we can start guild banks and the looking for group tool will be there.

I think it was to avoid having a whole day of maintenance on Tuesday so they broke it up into two separate days because they’re adding guild Banks and other things and it would have taken them a while and people are getting upset because it’s taking all day to do stuff

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