Confused About iLevel and Stats

So I’m having a dilemma if I am using the right gear and if my stats are in the right numbers. Basically I am not sure what I should be focusing on; either Item Level or Stats for my Protection Warrior.

So from what I’ve researched, I have been equipping gear with higher item levels than what I currently have on, regardless of stat priority. The only time I should be focused on stat priority is if I am comparing gear with the same item level. Now correct me if this is not what I should be doing.

The stat priority for my Protection Warrior is 1. ilevel, 2. Haste, 3. Versatility, 4. Mastery, 5. Crit strike.

The reason I am confused is because I’m lvl 52 and my Versatility is only 3%, my crit strike is like 16%, haste 11%, mastery 14%. I feel like I’m not doing something right. I’ve basically just been equipping higher level gear no matter what the secondary stats are.

I read that once I hit lvl 60 then I can start focusing on item level and stat priority. But if versatility is my 3rd stat priority then why is it only at 3%?

I received a trinket from a quest reward and it has +29 versatility, +8 haste, -45 crit strike, but the item level is 58 and the one I have equipped is lvl 90. My instinct is telling me to equip that +28 versatility on the lvl 58 item. What should I do?

Thanks for any advice. I’m just trying not to overthink it and stick to a more simple solution.

Ilvl if you want to find dungeon group/pug raiding.

Stats if you already find your group, and have enough ilvl

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Though versatility is great, I don’t think it matters so much as you’re leveling.

At 60, I think you want to come up with the best balance of vers/high ilvl you can. I like having over 20% when tanking (granted I only tank with my off spec), but with a higher ilvl, more health/armor/everything else.

Icy Veins and WoWhead both have class guides - I prefer Icy Veins if only for the lesser amount of advertising and browser-killingness of it, if I leave it up.

But if you don’t want to look it up, this quote from Icy Veins sums it up:
Generally speaking, the stat priority should only be followed when comparing gear of the same item level. A piece of gear with a higher item level than what you currently have should be equipped regardless of its secondary stats.

+10 ilevel will over power pretty much any lower piece, stats or no, EXCEPT FOR jewelry that don’t carry your primary stat.

iLevel == “how much strength/int/agility” you have, and those mains stats dominate the math on how much damage you do.

Since there’s no primary state on (most) jewelry (rings, trinkets, neck), badly rolled stats on a higher level piece tend to not be better than a well rolled lower piece.

As the other person said, strive for iLevel, and once you peak, then focus on stats. You should still be aware as to what your stat priorities are, but your primary stat is your best stat overall, and iLevel tracks that stat.

while leveling, it honestly doesn’t even matter that much.


At lvl 52, it doesn’t matter.

Items I don’t usually worry about ilvl are trinkets and rings. Trinkets I measure if there is an ability ,like blood spattered scale from last season that I didn’t really upgrade but its still a great tanking trinket, versus ilvl.

If you have the top Azerite gear, you stand zero chance of finding gear with better main stats prior to 60.

If you’re leveling, use heirlooms and don’t think about it.

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The stat priority is 1. Get to 60, 2. Don’t matter, 3. 60, 4. see #3, 5. You 60 yet?.

Nobody is going to sit around saying “Hey Thromgar, lets invite that Prot warrior to our group” - “Hmm, I don’t know Krolbog, his vers looks good but I think his haste really needs…” that wont happen, just do quests, BGs, timewalking and pet battles till 60 THEN its time to worry about all that.

Edit- don’t be tempted by the AH, that gear will only be good for 10 minutes.

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The 168 gear isn’t useless, and it’s not that expensive. It’ll give you a bump on world content and get you over the top in to heroics (which is 170), and you do need more gear in Korthia.

It doesn’t last forever, but its worth the few 1000 gold to buy it. Just don’t pay too much.

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As others have said, stat priority doesn’t matter until max level. Once you do get there you’ll want to use something like raidbots to sim your character rather than rely on stat priority lists. Stat priority lists are just a general guideline. The value of each stat depends on what your other stats look like and what breakpoints you’re close to hitting. It’s good for making general estimations of wildly different gear (especially for rings and necks since those are all secondary stat) but it’s not reliable if it’s not immediately obvious which item is better.

So sim your character using the “top gear” option and it will tell you what gear in your bags is best. You shouldn’t need to worry about that until you plateau in endgame though.

I want to add another note: iLvl isn’t everything, especially this patch.

For example, LFR Dom socket gear can completely smash 252 gear.

Pay particular attention to the sockets you have, not just iLvl.

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