Game doesn’t work with 6 guilds bro

Completely different play styles, and communities. They don’t want your zoomer game. Many of them PAID to place their characters there, only to have this bogus company make the game unstable. Never mind getting over pixels man, just get over yourself.


Well, that’s where the latter part of my post comes into play, lol.

That’s the dream, though!

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I didn’t bring up D2, but yes, the seasons have game changing mechanics that don’t exist once over.

It’s apt.

is this a joke post?.. i can’t tell

This is absolutely not logical. Ok, 1st season might be somewhat close to ERA but 2nd and following ones might have a different raids with different gear for example. How are you suggesting those chars could be transferred to ERA?

you don’t know that…

besides, do you want to know the best part?.. those ‘changes’ were OG pre-nerf raid mechanics, so SoM is more legit than your era server

besides that, you don’t even know what server type I prefer…all I’m saying is it’s a moot point if servers are dead

seriously… level 47 shaman or level 34 warrior lfg on thunderfury every day

prove me wrong, lets go run a dungeon lol

Imagine being one of the people who paid like $35 to copy their clone to classic servers lolololol

heh, I’d pay to clone my vanilla 60 pretbc to era… is that a thing?

Hope you guys get the fixes you need! For people who paid money to play on Era that’s the least they deserve.


Oh I didn’t pay lol. It was a clear flop from minute 1

So, you couldn’t argue with transferring chars part that it is not logical and you moved to population?

Before ignoring you, i will explain you though: it doesn’t matter how many players you see there, they PAID to play THE GAME THEY WANT. DON’T CONNECT THIS GAME TO SOMETHING DIFFERENT

yeah, that’s a lot of ad hominem nonsense

not interested in being abused on the forums

I have some “era” toons, though I don’t play much. There were 9 players logged on when I checked just now. No one really plays much. It’s kind of a bummer.

Is it Whitemaine cluster?
Let me ask you please, what would change if you log and see 50 or 200 players?

I was on Heartseeker… don’t think it’s linked to Whitemane.

The auction house had zero items listed.

Everyone besides 1 horde guild moved to servers linked to Whitemaine as that was the only option Lizzard gave us.
There is a free xfer to Whitemaine

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I get your point personally about serious bugs in the game that happened after their consolidation or whatever. Especially if they’ve never been fixed. I won’t call Era servers dead or be nasty to you.

I don’t know about the forum thing though because this forum wasn’t at all busy before SoM/fresh announcement and most of it was TBCC posts in the wrong spot, requesting more connections (and I’m glad they did the Whitemane free transfer thing) or general complaints about lack of people.

Still, overall I agree that the issues shouldn’t be happening and if they are they should be fixed but Blizzard is REALLY bad with listening to their customer base or fixing things in general. :frowning:

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just take the hint and play SoM
seriously stop being such a grouch :expressionless:

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Or they could fix the issues on the game that people paid to clone to and pay a monthly fee for. That’s just crap service, and there is no excuse. The people on era aren’t interested in SoM. I’m sure you are aware of this, you are all over their threads.

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