Confirmed No Wrath Era Realms

what an absolutely idiotic decision, and people championing this have zero self-awareness you can have both Wotlk and Cata it doesn’t have to be one and the other.

And Before anyone screams “but it will be dead” yeah that’s what folks said about vanilla which has zero potential compared to WOTLK yet look at all the excitement with seasons , they could have done something similar with a Wotlk Client but instead chose the lazy way out.

Beyond disappointment Blizzard


That’s not a confirmed no.


There just isn’t enough interest.

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Bruh :skull:

have you seen the forums ? there is plenty, theirs a reasion that wotlk Private servers are always the number 1 in popularity.


There’s a ton of interest, it’s most popular private server choice for over a decade.
Followed by vanilla, cata, then tbc. That’s classic popularity.

Why do you think people buy gear so much? Why do you think we get offered tens of thousands of gold in raid when you win a roll on an item?

This kills wrath, I already stopped today because… why keep playing? Why get gear if it’ll be gone?


Yes and those “private servers” can barely fit into one blizzard server. Cmon, this isnt the first thread about it.
If Blizzard sees they can make money with Wrath Era, they will do it. They don’t see it at this moment. It doesn’t mean they will never exist. They probably learned from their mistakes with Classic Era by releasing Era the moment the next expansion releases.


Yehmi to me it seems your just trolling at this point to get a reaction from folks based on your post history, your just being contrarian. If you want to waste your time doing that go ahead but don’t minimize or depreciate the views those have with preserving a Wrath Era Server.

Also your mention of “If Blizzard sees they can make money with Wrath Era, they will do it. They don’t see it at this moment.” Is laughable at best, Blizzard didn’t realize the money they would have made with Classic Vanilla and constantly pushed back, folks like you being their mindless drone pushing that narrative yet here we are with Classic WoW now being a large part of their income/community. Blizzard is quick to kill their Golden Goose without realizing it (OverWatch, Diablo 4, WoW)


Because popularity on pservers don’t matter at all. Vanilla was the most popular before Classic and yet it was doa. What you consider popular in pservers is nothing in official servers.


And yet, Classic Vanilla had way more player than Classic Wrath had.


we are still in the running guys don’t give up
wrath era pls
btw didn’t meant to reply to you paklek lol


I’m not to sure how true that is, Classic Vanilla realms were extremely dead till hardcore came around.


No it didn’t. It had more on launch, when it was hyped.
Hype does things.
Classic vanilla lost most of it’s playerbase in first 2 months. People came to try it out.
With wrath people knew what they were getting into, people who are interested came, and wrath was booming still, through all 4 phases. Something Classic Vanilla didn’t do as well. Look at how many raided AQ40 and Naxx, and compare it to ICC.

Wrath is casual friendly, and titan rune dungeons made that even better. People can go into basic pugs that clear few bosses on normal and still get something out of it. That’s why wrath did better than classic vanilla in long run. And tbc… tbc was dead after first phase, for most part, lowest performing.


Where is the data? if you mean the meme ironforge data then I have to burst your bubble: Many people in Wrath (especially P1-P2) played more than 5 chars. Its wrath of the raidlogging.


Brother did you forget people in Classic vanilla who’d get world buffs and not log their character until raid?

In wrath people do daily dungeons at very least, so Classic vanilla is raidlogging expansion.

That’s cope and it shows that you’re a Wrath fanboy. Also, nice dodge about the data.

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Blizzard has been wrong before on multiple occasions which is why we are all here now proving them wrong. They thought we didn’t want Classic and, oh, would you look at that, we already have Cata Classic (CC). So it stands to reason Blizzard is wrong about us not wanting WOTLK Classic era servers.

Give us WOTLK Classic era servers. It’s pretty clear you just don’t want CC to flop which is why Blizzard doesn’t want WOTLK Classic era servers. Legacy support is always a drain on resources but we both know Acti/Blizzard don’t want to publicly admit that.


Difference is that Blizzard learned from Classic Era that it is a mistake to release Era servers just the moment the next expansion is being released.
It is not a thing about “you think you do but you don’t” its literally what happened.


I didn’t see multiple character raiding in phase 1. People forget that the levelling time was short before raid release, Pre-BiS could only be farmed from Heroics, Savage Glad gear kind of sucked, and Naxx was gatekept. Lol even UK normal was gatekept during the first week.

Phase 2 though you’re right, I saw it and it was everywhere. Contrary to what RDF advocates were preaching, everyone and their mother had an alt or 2 and were running Ulduar on 2 characters minimum twice a week. Not sure what the true numbers are now as there was a surge of new players in Phase 3 (observable not just IF numbers) and the number seems somewhat steady into ICC on IF.

So you ignored everything I wrote and just answered “where data”.

I don’t need data because I played all three classic expansions, I know it by heart. If you don’t, you go look for data, there’s plenty of warcraftlogs for raiding.

I don’t need approval from someone on forums, I know what kind of people frequent forums, I’m one of them.

You really are seething about Wotlk for some reason Yehmi