Confirmed: If You Snap the Neck of a Forsaken, It Dies

they probably just go get a new one.

I had to log on my Forsaken to confirm this. While you are right and I just learned something new today, I am also old school and remember when they used to have an increased length in under water breathing rather than perma under water breathing. It’s funny that my memory goes back to 2004 still.

Long story short, you are technically wrong. Forsaken HAVE died to drowning back when their racial originally granted extra breath.

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:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Your ACLs are in your ankles? You may not have been reassembled properly.

*edit - my 666th post was replying to a Forsaken. That worked out nicely.

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If they believe their neck broken kills them, they die for real.

Forsaken (and undead in general) are vulnerable based on context.

Would it be funnier to survive? Then yes, you can be chopped in half and have to complain about it to passersby (see the quest in Nazmir).

Would it be more dramatic to die? Then yes, you’re toast without any hope of a saving roll.

This is the true price of undeath- your very existence hinges on the quality of the writing. Is it any wonder we’re all psycho and paranoid?


Freddy Krueger rules? Sure, I can get behind that.

In Medievil, Sir Dan Fortesque used to lose his head all the time and he’d rip his hand off to go after it.

I miss that silly game. It was fun. The Amazon Queen had a thing for Dan.
She scared him. So funny.

*Just did a spell check on his name and found that Medievil has been remade and will be coming out this October for the PS4. I now have to get a PS4.

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I mean … with the way he moved his arm it sort of seemed like he Mortal Combat’d that Forsaken’s spine out a bit (rather than just snapping it). For goodness sake, I know Orcs are strong green buggers, but that sort of move is ridiculous.

Yeah… everything was great until they added that stupid mummy…

He could have done so much better.

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I always head canon that undead just don’t feel pain (unless it’s the Light) and so they can’t tell when they’re in danger and after you hack them to pieces they just kinda lay there waiting for someone to stitch them up again. Kinda like that guy in Nazmir.

You need to blame that ‘Used Death’ salesman…

Stop asking perfectly logical questions.

Next you’re going to be asking why we never use healy magic to heal people or Resurrect them and either let them die or else run around to find a healing potion or herbs for them. Even though it makes even less sense for a potion or herbs to be able to magically heal someone instead of magic magically healing someone.

Dragon Age Inquisition in a nutshell. Take out magical healing and put in magical healing via a potion which couldn’t possibly magically heal someone because it isn’t magic.

“Remember Cloud, Phoenix Downs are your friend. But they don’t work all the time. I’m looking at you Aeris…”

Two generic Forsaken rogues try to get a jump on Saurfang, AKA the Guy Waiting at the Gates to Ruin Would-Be Invaders, and Thrall, the Stylin’, Profilin’, scythe honin’, muscle tonin’, farm life livin’, no ****s givin’, Nature Boy Go’El Flair?

Mark those deaths down as suicides.

Plot armor. I dont even know how you follow 2 stealth rogues or the rogues not even notice a big orc following them.

It’ll also die if whats-her-nuts lap dog shoots an arrow at one.

Snapping the neck has been a valid method of killing zombies in some other franchises, so why not?

This right here is why vampires will always be better than zombies.

This topic heading makes me very sad :frowning:

This actually makes me think I’ve RPed my Forsaken wrong for many years in that she replaces her body parts from fallen enemies…


Same reason an arrow will kill one?