Conduit of the celestial, should you play it?

So after the buffs on conduit of the celestials this last tunning I’ve been testing how they are performing in M+ while Peak of Serenity keeps saying that Shado-Pan is the best hero talent choice (and by this i dont mean to discredit Peak it’s a great source), i think we should reconsider about Conduit, i’ve been trying to do M+ on 13s and 14s, and while i’ve bricked several keys (i wanna belive not because of me lol) i think the damage profile is pretty good.

M+ focuses on burst windows instead of sustained damage, and in my experience ( i might be doing something wrong ) shado-pan doesn’t have the greatest burst dmg unless we’re on the shadow buff for flurry strikes, meanwhile conduit brings a burst window every 1.5 min and thats not all even when we get yulon’s help by using strike of the windlord our next cast of FoF cast extremly fast which honestly makes either our burst window even better or just having a random extra damage when we get enough charges, also i’ve read before that WW are claming that we’re squishy by losing one defensive, but conduit makes fortifying brew give you a shield of 25% of your hp

With this in mind I think Mist and NW are great keys to use conduit because you need to pump the boss as fast as possible and conduit lets you do exactly that, now at this point while Shado-Pan probably is siming more than coinduit, in practice is hard to tell, specially because there are few logs of monks playing conduit, and i’m making this post hoping that more monks are willing to play conduit that way we could have more data and see how good/bad conduit currently is


Give Conduit of celestials a try it provides:

  • Great burst windows
  • A buff to fortifying brew
  • Also you slap on 10s and below
  • Also more data would be helpfull to see how it’s performing


Btw i forgot to mention that with too many channeling abilities in conduit rotation basiclly spamming FoF, SCK and Conduit, it’s really annoying when any of this abilities get randomly canceled it’s a dmg lose

I tried conduit in keys and on Silken Court after I got transmitter like a month ago. Swapped right back to Shado-Pan after CC self cancelled like 15% into the channel. It’s already hella tilting when DoCJ self cancels.

That said, I do like that Conduit can line Xuen up with SEF better because they grab XB because they’re more incentivized to do so.

Conduit is much more of an option than it has been otherwise this expansion. The biggest problem is that it scales very very poorly with more targets, so the larger pulls are the more Shado-Pan will pull away. The biggest problem with Shado-Pan, like you said, is that you’re at the mercy of the timing of the Shadow buff to do the big damage.

When I read the sim log it says I should hold celestial to pop with xuen and SEF. Is this a DPS loss? It feels bad holding it for 30s. Why didn’t they make it a 2 min CD so it lines up with xuen?

I’m playing it as WW and I enjoy the on demand burst it gives. I wish it scaled better with bigger packs though.

You should be taking the Xuen’s Bond talent so Invoke Xuen can line up with Celestial Conduit.


I like celestial conduit more its more single target then shadow if you pop you cd’s right you can do alot of damage then shadow pan and have more control of the burst.

Be careful comparing the damage of Conduit vs Shado-Pan if you’re only looking at the damage of the Conduit spell vs the damage of Flurry Strikes. A lot more of the strength of Shado-Pan is built into the passive damage boosts in the tree, so it should average out to more single target damage assuming equal skill.

I could care less what you think you just play your spec i’ll play mine. I was just stating that i like it better for my play style.

Chill homie, you said “I like celestial conduit more its more single target than shadow”, Babylonius (the Windwalker guide author) was simply explaining that Shado-Pan pulls ahead and how it does so.