Condemn/Execute animation bugged + Glyph bug

So, on my Warrior as Arms when I cast the Venthyr ability “Condemn”, my character does not perform the animation. In Prot and Fury, the animation works fine. As Arms, the ability does get used but there is not animation. My character stands idle.

I did some troubleshooting and it turns out the game cannot decide if I have the glyph “Glyph of Hawk Feast” applied or not, and I think it’s messing with the animation. When I do a Condemn/Execute crit, the effect from the glyph triggers, but when I look in my spell book it says Condemn/Execute has no glyph.

When I go to use vanishing powder it says: “You have no active glyphs to remove.” When I go to apply Glyph of Hawk Feast again it says: “That target spell is currently overwritten by a talent or other ability.”

I was Bastion before and my spell book said Execute had a glyph, but when I went to remove it a window popped up with a “Yes” or “No” button with no other text, I would click yes, it would consume the vanishing powder, and the glyph would still be applied. Also just found out the animation functions in Torghast and nowhere else.

Glyph of Hawk Feast triggering:
Glyph of Falling Thunder triggering:
Spell book displaying I have no glyphs:
Message when I use vanishing powder:
Message when I use Glyph of Hawk Feast:

I have tried no addons, user settings reset, fresh install, logging in from a completely different computer with a fresh install. Not sure what to do, super frustrated. Any ideas or help would be appreciated.

Edit: I think after TONS of troubleshooting, the PvP ability Death Sentence is overriding the animation. The animation works if I do not have Death Sentence picked. I still cannot remove the glyph though.


I have the same problem but in fury warrior spec with a male blood elf :frowning: