Condemn Confusion

Granted I only really pvp this expansion, but the only time I’ve felt stuck into a covenant was season 1 where you couldn’t easily switch. The only covenant I don’t play is venthyr and that’s just because it lacks the burst pressure needed to compete in today’s arena.

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Reminder that Condemn is purely shadow damage and therefore is not affected by armor while Execute is.

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Correct me if I’m wrong as I play Prot, but wasn’t Venthyr your ST covenant as Fury/Arms? So it was the go to for Raids?

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I haven’t raided, but I believe the execute buff and venthyr legendary nerf going into season 2 knocked venthyr out of favor. Night Fae / Kyrian weren’t super far behind on single target prior, but they provided so much extra damage and control for aoe. That and I don’t think there were many, if any, pure patchwerk fights in SoD.

Now, I don’t even think venthyr is ahead even on single target, so theres really no reason to pick it if you’re min maxing.

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I can only speak for Fury as I don’t enjoy arms so I didn’t bother learning the ins and out of it, but in 9.0 Condemn was the best from a straight patchwork fight perspective, but only 4/10 bosses were single target only and even then as the tier progressed Condemned lost value as kill times were shorter and that first 20% went by so quickly we barely got value from it.

Most warriors went Venthyr at first but the moment Burrs from the Niya tree became available a lot of people swapped cause burrs was just so good it made up for a lot of the single target potential. on and we now had the benefit of getting an AOE ability for the remaining 6 fights in raid.

Notable exception to all this however is Sire since his hardest phase is the last 35% Condemn was still played on prog for a lot of mythic warriors.

I stopped playing early in the 9.1 tier so I cannot comment on anything but the beginning but the Venthyr Covenant legendary in a Sim patchwork setting was ridiculously good however in practice any lose of uptime would sack its effect and once again it was only good in pure single target, Kyrian was the new go to since Elysian might was good in both Aoe and single target and was the safest to use on a majority of the fights.

I just recently got back to 9.2 but currently we run Kyrian with signet for AOE and Single target if you do not have the 4 set and NF Deathmaker with the reckless abandoned talent in single target if you do have 4 set.

Of course some of this may be erroneous since I am just going off memory but I fell like I got most of this right and I could back this up with logs if need be.

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Yes they nerfed condem a few times

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Venthyr suffers from the same drawbacks as it did even when it was good. It needs a prolonged Execute phase to matter.

They buffed Execute significantly, and Venthyr wasn’t a particularly great covenant to begin with. While Nadjia is one of the strongest soulbinds Fatal Flaw gives crit, which is the least valuable stat to Venthyr because of Recklessness uptime already and Ashen Juggernaut.

Fast forward to 9.2 and Windfury is still insignificant to Fury’s power. Condemn barely hits harder than Execute, and 4-set tier encourages you to spam Raging/Crushing Blow above anything but Rampage. Even over Execute. So now Sinful Surge is made terribly redundant except in pure ST situations where you can alternate Crushing Blow and Condemn for Recklessness/RA uptime.

It’s simply better to play other covenants which offer more versatility with negligible ST tradeoffs. If there is any AoE or cleave the covenant is instantly worse than Night Fae and Kyrian. Also, Door of Shadows is wildly inferior to Soulshape for mobility.

TL;DR: Execute and other soulbinds got buffed to the point that other covenants are just better overall in 99% of situations. Venthyr has no valuable niche anymore.


How we feeling after the 15% buff to Condemn/Execute? To bad it doesn’t go over to PvP…

Dead expansion - 1 month later

Conduit for Condemn is a waste. Everything “wrong” with it could be fixed here but it’s all ogre now.


tis to bad. I started Shadowlands as venthyr for 9.0 I eventually switched to kyrian in 9.1 and pretty much fulltime necro now.

I would go back venthyr if it wasn’t trash


I stayed venthyr because I’m trash.