Concerns for the Future of Era

Indeed. There was a lot of good information in there. This post in particular:

I want to say this was the post that at some point I had forgotten the precise details of and somehow got it into my head that you could also create guilds that were comprised of members from different servers that were part of the connected realms. Same with doing dungeons/raids. Not RDF or the raid equivalent introduced in Cataclysm of course.

That might take away from the small community feel but I can also see some merit to the idea of being able to recruit folks from any realm within the cluster to run dungeons/raids with should the population on a particular server get so low that it makes it very difficult if not impossible to do so.

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started off with a several mini-clusters but then they got merged further into two mega groups and now Just the PvP and PvE clusters (basically mega servers)

And then the solo servers (RP realms)

It’s been this way since 2023 ish.

Since that time I was under the impression that there were no longer other clusters

Interesting! I wonder if there is a blue post on that last merger or all the PvE and all the PvP realms.

I think there was, if I remember right and I could be very wrong… I think it was in 2023

The internet says no. Cant find it.

I am actually looking

I hope you find it! :slightly_smiling_face:

Trying; blizzard’s forum is garbage for retaining useful information.

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Been looking as well and it very frustrating.

They disappoint me with how bad this forum actually is.

They didn’t make this forum software; they bought it.

If you played way back in Vanilla, you remember those forums? So much better than these.


dude the OG forums were so good


Impossible to find on an iPhone.

I’ll try later when I get on a real PC

Cool. My search indicates the clusters are still separate.

As far as I can recall it didn’t change since TBC launched and Era became a thing.

Well one way to find out for sure.

Make a character on each cluster and check trade chat.

Look at the server names you see in chat and there ya go

the server clusters were never further merged since classic era inception there is 2 dead east coast clusters and the west coast pve cluster which has a decent playerbase. other than mankrik and whitemane. also all RP realms are solo servers


Ok, good to know, and a shame the East coast cluster is dead.