Concerns about Season 4 inflation

Hello, as this season is said to be shorter than the other ones, and offers a really cool Gladiator mount, can we please receive early inflation? Last season there were big issues until we received inflation, so I am hoping if this can be remedied early this season.


No inflation was received last season it was standard 5 a week. Expect the same this season

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miss when people would say “im gonna go so hard this season lf btags!”

“can papa blizzard make glad a rival reward” is so cringe


It’s not about cringe.

Season 3 for a whole month even tournament players were unable to get Glad. It was THAT kind of lack of inflation.

I don’t want anything free, I just think AWC and high R1 players should get it as fast as possible and then proceed to go higher and allow the players who are usually Glad level to play against eachother for Glad. That’s how the game should be.

While competition and a challenge are great, most people who end up as Gladiator have basically zero chance against a seasoned awc team


They just play alts you will have to beat these teams to get glad just get used to it. The end of season also harder because last 2 weeks is soooo many carries happenin.

If anything they should deflate this season, last season there were over 1000 glads which is cringe.

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arena is dead. blitz is the wave of the future.

unironcially rated solo bgs might save retail pvp


agreed, its cringe. They should make glad mount be a rank #1 reward, so cringe to have scrub glads running around in mounts.


so head on man.

lol at these middle of the pack geeks thinking they deserve a glad mount

in my opinion… only 1 person in the whole wide world deserves a glad mount… it should be prestige bro… its a video game with a lot of real world meaning.

u know how many girls i get on tinder just from showing them my mount collection?

rather be a middle pack geek than a mommies basement neck beard all day!

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But we play wow so we are the spiritual equivalent of that anyways.