Concerning Xal'atath

I think Blizz should direct players to completing the Xal questline in BFA that frees her just to give players an idea of who and what she is and what she’s about and how she actually sees us.


The shadow priest has the best idea of how Xal’atath is. Treacherous is probably the word that fits her best. And a character we can’t believe a word she says is someone that it’s hard to get a direct read on.

I have been wondering about her plans. In bfa she gets the player char infused by the gift of N’zoth which allows the character to understand old god language having it.

In Sod she helps the player forge powerful void weaponry and empowers it. I wonder if she actually wants to defeat us, or if her plan is to push us towards the voids side through some sort of corruption? All speculation of course.

I kinda like how there is getting to be a lot of lore but only for those that choose to look for it about Xal’atath.


Stupid hot dagger lady!


They won’t. It’ll be some cutscenes from BfA

They rarely brought any reference of cordana and how she got corrupted in WoD.

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well your name fits lol

“Harbinger quests” mentioned on the roadmap for 10.2.7 will probably be a prologue to The War Within, not to mention the pre-patch.


I really have to play through SP artifact questline. Xal’atath genuinely sounds so cool and her design is so incredible in TWW that I’m actually excited about a villain for the first time in ages!

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Not just probably but likely, considering that Xal’atath’s other name is harbinger of the void.

Doesn’t mean they can’t add her into panda land as she is mucking with the timeways.

Even Iridikron is suspicious as he wants to show us something. :robot::thought_balloon:

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He wants to show us that “the Titans aren’t actually good” crap that Blizzard thinks is so clever.

I knew the Titans weren’t completely altruistic back in Wrath of the Lich King with the Algalon the Observer boss fight.


Some of her best dialogue appeared during dungeons and raids. She even thanks the shadow priest for allowing the void entry into the emerald dream which doesn’t sound ominous at all :sweat:

And if you want to keep up with the lore you don’t have to play sod but I’d suggest looking up the quest that involve the shadowy figure(which looks and acts just like Xal’atath).


I want to play a Void Elf Shadow Priest for either The War Within or Midnight with Xal’atath transmogrified over my weapon to hear her voicelines. Priest is my least favorite class, but with the cool Shadow spell effects from Voidweaver and the heightened focus on the Void during this saga it seems like a nice fit story-wise.


There’s a good chance spriest will get extra dialogue, but it will most likely be minor flavor text. Kinda like what happened in bfa when the priest met Xal’atath in the n’zoth quest line.

To be fair, the community have been calling the Titans villains for a long time. I feel they’re going with fancanon. :scroll::robot:

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I thought the final titan was referring to Azeroth herself. But it could be referring to a boss fight.

Could there be a way to have interest dialogue or options with Xal’atath as a shadow priest or someone who just wants to side with her?

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Some of us have been anti-Titan from the start.

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It seems they(blizzard) are intent on her being a bad guy(she is a treacherous dagger after all), but she is a fan favorite as well so killing her would probably be a bad idea as well. Perhaps after all three expansions but I think people prefer some sort of imprisonment or epic battle.

The big problem is that Xal’atath saw what we did in legion and bfa as a companion and if she underestimates us than that will feel terrible. She really can’t be one of those (Hahaha pathetic mortal) type villains, because she saw the destruction of the legion and N’zoth by our hands.

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I just want to hear the dagger quotes personally since I never have.

Probably because that story thread was there as early as Wrath of the Lich King.

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her quotes are kinda rare but i believe you can look up what triggers them and go through the legion story as spriest. I remember one being triggered after you kill a ton of mobs she says something along the lines of you being the most proficient murderer she has ever witnessed in all her long life. High praise indeed.

This is it Xal’atath whispers: You were a good choice. No other wielder has murdered their way across a continent like you have. I admire your endurance.

She has a lot of dungeon lines and I’d suggest playing through every dungeon and going into the raid if possible it still works even a transmog over another weapon. Good luck.