Concerning messages from space

Idk about a lot of stuff either but the Nasca lines, along with the pyramids across the world (not just Egypt) and a lot of the very old, ornate buildings with huge doorways, etc… make me think that they weren’t built by us at all.

That there were other people here, maybe our ancestors, maybe not, Idk but I think they were really big and tech savvy and they knew stuff we have no idea about now, are just learning and they made all that stuff and they could fly.

But it’s all guesswork in the end and I do think that there are people who don’t want us to know the history of this planet, of our species.
They like to send in archaeologists and such to clean out sites, moving all the artifacts out before wars break out (I noticed this was a thing happening just before US invaded Iraq but it’s happened way before then, too and always before a war breaks out) yet the artifacts are never made public.
So I think there are a few who want the many to remain ignorant and in the dark.

God: O Shiiiit forgot to renew- extend, exteeeend, please!!


That would be a terrifying message.

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“hunter weapon”

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Time’s up. Let’s do this.



No intelligent life found, proceed with destruction to build our hyperspace highway

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Just to update, due to neglect , the other 2 cables of the radio antenna snapped and the antenna bisected the remaining dish and collapsed the support towers.
NSF was talking about rebuilding it , but the funding fell through.
I am not sure of the present status of the dish as I see no recent pictures from 2024 , but there must be at least 2-3 boeing 747’s worth of aluminum stretched across the valley as of the last photo in 2022.
They have a visitors center , but I think it closed , cause realistically , nobody wants to fly to Puerto Rico to look at a 1963 collapsed radio dish.
I guess NSF still owns the property so possibly if somebody invents new radio technology they have the land for it, but I think it is toast.

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It’s a shame in a way. So much work and materials gone to waste.

I wonder if I’ll live long enough to find out if any hidden info about this and other things comes to light.
Would be nice.

“Be Quiet! They’ll hear you!”


“We’ve been trying to reach you concerning your biosphere’s extended warranty.”


“HOLY Marlkargak, Vlexdor! You nearly blew that planet up because you misread the ID off the termination list?!”

“wow, yea. That was a close one.”

“G*d damn it, did you leave the recorder on?”

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Don’t forget to bring a towel


“alright here we are, how many probing victims are we picking up again?”


I cant say what I am thinking , but it involves detonating something in the Male physiology of humans , cause the grand experiment is over…

The only concerning messages from space I have heard is someone was about to say something about impending doom then accidentally left a recorder on and well, let just say I heard everything going on in their bathroom.

…Do they even go to bathroom like us?

O_O lol …what if the aliens on earth are already doing this to us. You think it’s your neighbor or boss, but really a virus :rofl: Now that is some far-fetched, scifi movie, thinking… or is it :see_no_evil:…lol…hahahhahahahaaa …ha…ha …haa…looks awkwardly around :eyes:

A towel is the most useful thing in the universe that one can have. It has both practical uses and psychological value. :crazy_face:

Dolphins actually, and they perform complex algebraics.

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:


Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation

We have assumed control.
We have assumed control.
We have assumed control.