Concerned that too many Race/Class combos are diluting identity and culture

How is dragonflight proof of anything? We have no numbers. If anything they seem to be trying to promote it more.

If you want a game with no restrictions go play DnD. Where parties are so whacky it’s basically a freak show.


Well maybe they can just tweak racials to promote certain class/race combos. Like gnome intellect buff.

They said some new combinations make sense and other’s don’t.

I mean it’s not blizzard has allowed any race to play any class…so idk why you’re acting like you’ve already won and blizzard agrees with you. In fact they just released a race that can only use a single class.

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Cultures change over time. Each faction has enough overlap in terms of races mixing with each other that any class/race restrictions no longer make sense except, temporarily, for the dracthyr because they are new. The dracthyr can now mingle with other races and some will want to learn other classes over time. It’s better to end any restrictions and let players choose the race/class combos that they want to play. If someone wants to play a draenei warlock or mechagnome druid, that’s fine with me. I’ve been wanting a night elf paladin for many years.

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Plus, it doesn’t impact the culture as a whole. If a Tauren goes to wizard college, it doesn’t suddenly mean the Tauren are now masters of the Arcane art, or even that they’ve gotten over their Arcane superstitions. It just means a couple Tauren got over that fear, rejected their culture’s norms, and attended classes at Dalaran.

The PC is not a carbon-copy of those that came before. A character is defined by how much of their origin culture they choose to preserve OR reject, not the reverse.


There’s no reason why races can’t be any class, that doesn’t have an explanation like magical incompatibilities for example (void elf paladins, and ‘maybe’ lightforged warlocks). Not every member of a race follows cultural norms, and can choose to be what they want. Also opens up for interesting roleplay when a character goes against the norm.


At this point they might as well allow every race/class combo.
Blizz doesn’t care about their lore so like why even pretend, cash in on some race changes and buy Bobby a new yacht.

This is a game. You do know what you sound like though so that’s problematic. Sigh just let people play race/class combos they want. The game isn’t going to get worse because there’s a Tauren rogue.

The only thing dragonflight is evidence of is that shadowlands was so bad people skipped it/quit and all the people who stuck through the subpar bfa came back.

At the end of the day no one cares about all that stuff. I’m pretty sure more than half wow’s player base barely knows wows lore. It’s all just flavor text and if blizz did a poll I’m pretty sure all races all class combos would win. Your average wow player doesn’t care if a gnome can turn into a cat(druid).

That is not what they said go watch that interview again. Holinka literally said they do not want races to be a limiter on what they can do or become in the same dev interview when they announced Tauren Rogues you are probably seething about.

Yeah a race that should be able to use any other race as their visage form. Use your brain here.


If we are going the route of redoing class restrictions, here are my suggestions:

  1. Blood Elves and Draenei shouldn’t be warriors. All of them go straight to Paladins

  2. Void Elves (incompatible), Lightforged(will explode), Nightborne(minimal presence in the recent wars, Zandalari(claimed by Bwonsamdi) shouldn’t be Death Knights

  3. Tauren, HMTauren, Draenei, LFD shouldn’t be rogues

  4. Kul’Tirans should be allowed to be Paladins

  5. Forsaken and Night Elves shouldn’t be Paladins - unless given class skins

  6. No Blood Elf or Nightborne druids

These are could’ve been if these races are reimagined

  1. HMTauren deviate further from Thunder Bluff identity - no druids, mages and warlocks allowed

  2. Mechagnomes as mere customizations for regular gnomes but the AR slot is given to a druidic gnome race - gnome druids

  3. Nightborne accepting back their Felborne brethren - Nightborne warlocks

Sorry but it made less sense for Humans not to have Hunters. While yes Hunters do have a connection to nature, it’s only slight compared to classes like Druid or Shaman. And every race can empathize with beasts, having them fight beside them. Hunting dogs, birds, ect ect. Mechagnome is that strange one that you gotta think about. Ideally for a small race like them being as far from physical combat would be ideal, firing a gun from a distance while having mechanical companions running into the thick of it works with them so long as you can ignore the more naturey bits of Hunter.

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If you go to Zereth Mortis you will realize all the mechanical life is very natural in the universe of WoW. Titans and eternal ones are basically robots. And lore like that existed since titans were introduced into the story.

Thought this was nice stuff coming probably next month or two.

Haven’t done Zereth Mortis yet, and from what I understand it’s best to just ignore Shadowlands lore as canon due to how insane it all is.

Do it for yourself and judge for yourself. The first ones explains why all the god like creatures are robotic, because they sort of made the universe probably in there image. The curse of flesh has been a thing in lore as well for like the whole game. Literally the old gods are the reason why many races aren’t robotic still.

This one time, there was a Ranger who was a Drow.
That just ruined all Dungeons and Dragon’s forever and everyone hated him.

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TBH I have to agree with the Op here it doesn’t make sense for examples I’ll give…And I will not mention the ally races or Pandaren because yeah too much we’ll stick to to the 12 races before mists of pandaria and classes as well.

Warrior is kind of a basic class in general tbh I think every race would have warriors

Hunters alliance-Humans, Dwarfs, Night Elfs

Drenaei-I just believe since they are the only space riding race I just feel they aren’t exactly a race the would see the usefulness of having a pet do their fighting.
Gnome-I think they’re more likely to experiment on their pets then to actually love their pets.
Worgen-being a more feral type race that sees themselves as animals in a sense wouldn’t want to control another beast.

Hunters Horde-Orcs, Tauren, Trolls, Blood Elfs

Goblins-See Gnomes above but to further that point I just feel that Goblins are all about their money and going out there and getting the right pets for you just doesn’t seem like something a Goblin wants to do.
Undead-They’re undead creatures enough said there!

Alliance Priest-Dwarfs, Humans, Worgen, Night Elfs

Gnomes-Yeah they’re conniving bottom feeders that don’t worship the light they’re like the Athiests of Azeroth.
Drenaei-I just see them more as paladins and heavy class wearers, if it wasn’t for the fact that the whole reason they were founded by the Burning Legion on behalf of using Arcane I wouldn’t even like them as mages.

Horde Priest-Tauren, Blood Elfs, Trolls, Undead

Orcs-No just no that’s all I’m going to say makes zero sense for them to be priests.
Goblins-Again Goblins want their money and priests generally lore wise are about giving not taking.

Alliance Shamans-Drenaei

Sorry only reason I can see the Drenaei as shamans is because they were for the longest time very peaceful with the Orcs of Draenor and picking up shamanism over many years I could see them doing as a race and seeing the benefit of that.

Horde Shaman-Orcs, Trolls, Tauren

Blood Elfs-No, too in touch with the arcane to be nature loving hippies.
Goblins-Too in touch with wanting to destroy stuff to be shamans.
Undead-Have zero ties to nature whatsoever and are more of an abomination to nature.

Alliance Paladin-Humans, Dwarfs, Worgen, Drenaei

Gnomes-Same reason they wouldn’t be priests.
Night Elfs-They worship nature not the light, and back then priests were a unique class that had different cultures for the each race not entirely tied to the light.

Horde Paladins-Blood Elfs, Tauren

Tauren I was iffy on this one but then I thought about it and it makes sense that out of all the horde races Tauren are the most peaceful race so letting them learn more about the light and the Tauren being very open-minded to this makes sense to me. Whereas the rest of the races just no.

Alliance Rogue-Humans, Night Elfs, Gnomes, Worgen

Dwarfs-They drink beer a lot and are very loud as a race which just completely goes against the Rogue values.
Drenaie-They just too big to try sneaking around.

Horde Rogues-Undead, Blood Elfs, Trolls, Goblins

Orcs and Tauren are just too big to be trying to sneak around and frankly it’s not something I see them valuing and would prefer a more straight up fight.

Alliance Mage-Humans, Gnomes, Worgen, Drenaie

Dwarfs-I just they never really been a magic type user other than dark dwarfs in almost any lore just saying.
Night Elfs-They exile an entire people and the last time they were so trusting of arcane magic they help tear the continent of Kalimador apart I really doubt they would risk that again.

Horde Mages-Blood Elfs, Undead, Goblins, Trolls

Orcs-If they going to use magic it’s going to be fel straight and simple.
Tauren-I think they’re too align with Night Elfs and doubt they want to tangle with arcane seeing it as like a gateway to bad things.

Alliance Warlocks-Gnomes, Worgen

I think the rest of the alliance would flat out shun any type of fel magic, whereas Gnomes being sneaky little crafters would use anything advantage they can get.

Worgen I think after leaving the alliance being more secluded and fighting against the Worgen curse would be more incline to reach out to fel if it meant saving Gilneas.

Horde Warlocks-Blood Elfs, Orcs, Trolls, Undead, Goblins

Thrall was too keen on keeping the Orcs together for survival reasons and wouldn’t kick out other Orcs that practiced fel and other than the Tauren I just feel all horde races would see the benefits of fel magic.

Druids-Night Elfs, Tauren, Worgen

No other races should be able to be Druids sorry I don’t like Troll Druids I think it’s stupid and makes zero sense even though I am currently playing a troll druid I don’t like Tauren.

Death Knights-Humans, Dwarfs, Tauren, Blood Elfs, Draneai

No other race should be a death knight, wait what why??? All races above are paladins and honestly I would of liked it if originally when a paladin reached level 55 they had a choice to continue as a paladin or be a death knight. If they chose Paladin nothing changes but if they chose death knight they go through a cut scene of them fighting the scourge and dying. Arthas being a paladin at first saw the light as the true enemy to his reign and would of more likely only brought back a strong paladin as a death knight and even Anduin in shadowlands more confirmed that in my mind.

Night Elfs-5/10


Blood Elfs-8/10


Either way though I do agree that some of the things I do miss about old world of warcraft are the race separation when it came to classes…the class quests that I wish they didn’t remove, questing is too simple, I understand Blizzard wanted to make it easier for players to level and I do like the fact we can choose to level wherever we want but it just so much work was put into this game it’s a shame to cut out so much content while leveling just to rush to end game. And capitals outside of Org and Stormwind there just isn’t ever a reason to go to the other capitals and that sucks because again so much work for what a day worth of leveling in the starting areas and now you don’t even have to go to any other capital anymore there just isn’t any reason. Thunderbluff is beautiful, Undercity I know it got destroyed but man it was really awesome looking. Silvermoon the largest city before Org got remolded, yet no one ever goes there even Blood Elfs don’t go there cuz their is no reason to. Than Ironforge with great big forge in the heart, The Exodar wasn’t much but it still looked kind of cool making a city out of a crash ship…Darnassus playing a Night Elf this was their home. I just feel blizzard gots so much content why not add reasons to go back to these capitals throughout the game why not add more quests to the old world change it up I know a lot of work goes into making new content and don’t get me wrong I love the new stuff but maybe I’m the only player that sees it like this but I rather blizzard take a whole extra year to release an expansion just to add and change stuff from previous expansions. Just my take on it. World of Warcraft arguably has so much lore and I think that’s what made this game so freaking great and it’s just a real shame a lot of this gets forgotten. I love that they brough back talents…one thing I like to see wow do is try to figure out ways to convince people to play the old content, like they have the base to do that think about that. Chromie opened the door to play Cataclysm all over, lich king, burning crusade, legion and what not. But with the profession overhaul you no longer need to even grab mats from pass expansions and now that they aren’t needed they don’t sell so really their is zero reason to level professions till you hit max level now, and that sucks. New players are coming and most of them don’t even know what made World of Warcraft what it is today…doing hundreds of Kharazon raids for mongoose enchantment…catcalysm story telling I’m doing cata run through for the loremaster while I’m leveling and I gotta say some of the quests are epic as heck the beginning quests in hillsbrad the storming of gilneas, the punching deathwing quest chain it’s fun. It’s a shame most new players will never get to experience that.

You just undid your entire argument in one throwaway sentence that also illustrated why race-class restrictions are so asinine and, simply put, unfun.

A race doesn’t lose its identity just because the PC can be a class that’s not typically associated with them.