Yea yea, they fixed the exploit, but what exactly was done with the hundreds of thousands of gold and items that were flooded into the servers? CAN anything be done?
I am of the impression that the mass BOE’s, rare recipes, mass gold that has moved through the AH is there to stay and the damage has been done.
Am I wrong?
signed - Player tired of playing 2nd fiddle to rampant exploiters
We need some fresh servers in a disconnected battlegroup from these that start without layering. Whether it’s preemptive to phase 2 or at phase 2. Then everyone lying to themselves about these servers being salvagable can stay where they are, and people that can appreciate the obvious and care about the integrity of the game can reroll.
Oh, I don’t know - maybe, you know, play the game and let the market take care of itself? I’ll be honest, I never understood why MMO players get so invested (pun intended) in economies that don’t actually exist…