Computus Demum [H] Area-52 (W/Sun 8-11EST) 8/10M LF DPS

Computus Demum has been a progression-oriented raiding guild for 15 years. Our main raid nights are Wednesdays and Sundays 8-11PM EST. We do M+ Mondays, an optional Heroic/Alt run on Friday, and there’s generally action to be had every other night.

The majority of our roster are adults who have real outside commitments to things like careers and family, which we generally accommodate. However, our expectation is that you put some effort into grinding and knowing your class and playing it well. We have been slowly pushing our way higher each Mythic tier and expect to arrive at a point where we can hit CE and hopefully sustain it. We do not tolerate drama or toxicity.

*** We expect all recruits to be capped renown & legendaries, as well as an appropriate ilvl.***

We don’t currently have any gaping holes in our roster, but would most strongly consider:

  • 1-2 Ranged DPS (Pref Shadow Priest)

  • 1-2 Melee DPS (Pref Enhance Sham)

All exceptional applicants considered.

Fill out an application on our website link and hit up Airak(Airak#1315), Eander(afpac#1330) or Ando(Dolgare#1940) for more info.

h ttps://

Application(remove the space between h and ttps):
h ttps://

Our raid leader streams our raids, as well as mythic +'s if you’re interested in checking us out:

Some good progress on Huntsman last night! Excited to bring in some new folks and dig further into mythic

Still looking for some new friends! Hit us up!

Come kill stuff with us!

Late night bampin

Raid night!

Good on healers now, but could still use some new friends that pump!

Bumpers for those pumpers

Still bumpin

Come kill stuff in Mythic with us Monday!

Bumping before our Friday night alt run

Still looking for those sweet deeps for Huntsman Monday!

It’s the weekend and we are still looking!

Still have a couple trial spots open

Still lookin for them pumpers!

Mythic raid day bump

Huntsman one shot! Come work on Devourer w/ us!

^^^ 2/10 bump

2/10M! Pushing Hungering Devourer this week! Come trial!

Raid night bump