Looking for a new guild for next tier and beyond

looking for a causal 2 night at most guild who does mythic and at least full clears heroic with ease, i have achieved the last 2 CEs and previous ones over course of legion and BFA, im currently Rerolling to a class i enjoy more then my previous class though i am willing to play other classes ( i have a monk DH (willing to tank on both toons), and mage all at cap as well as this priest looking for mostly Tuesday weds

jrockgames#1891 is my bnet, id prefer to stay on illidan but open to transfer for right guild hard stay on horde though

this is my new toon forgot to swap it to it before posting

Hey Wraelapriest! If you are still waiting on the right fit, I’d love for you to consider Dedicated and Medicated Gaming. We are a new alliance guild and we are building up our roster for raiding. However, all our core members have earned KSM and AoTC and plan to keep this going for 9.1. Although we are not quite ready to pull mythic, our core members have done mythic raiding last tier and we were 3/10. We do plan to push into mythic once the roster is full and the team is ready. Our raid times will be Sat/Sun 8-11pm EST.

There is no spec requirement as we just want people to have fun playing what they love best. You can play any role you like in keys and our raid roster has DPS and Healing spots open if that interests you. You also do not have to join our guild to play with us. If you want to feel us out as a community first, you are welcome to do this too.

If this sounds appealing, here’s our bnets and discord:




Meega #11302

Barely An Inconvenience
RAID TIMES: Tuesday & Thursday 9PM - 12AM EST, Saturday alt day.
Currently looking for dependable people to build a core roster of 15-20 players for the start or 9.1 with the goal of getting AOTC and potentially early mythics.

We will assist in helping gear up through Heroic/Normal CN and M+

No transfers are required unless you want to. As long as you can make it!

Feel free to reach out to me at Rusty#1215 with any questions.

Hi there Wraelapriest,

If you’re still looking, Computus Demum might be a good fit. We’re 7/10 M, raid Wed/Sun 8-11 server time (eastern) Horde side on Area 52. We’re a group of non-toxic adults looking to push deep and get CE.

Let me know if you’re interested! (afpac#1330 on bnet, afpac#2986 on discord)

