Recently WoW has been overheating my computer so much that I was almost burned a few days ago trying to touch it. I’ve never had this issue before and this is strictly when playing WoW and no other games have this issue. Not sure what’s causing it, any help would be nice.
Would be helpful to say what computer you have
It sounds like your computer is dying, WoW should not be overheating any CPU.
EDIT: It could be that you load up your other game, it runs your CPU hot, then you close it and load WoW and the CPU is still hot. So it seems like WoW is overheating your CPU. You could get a replacement CPU fan, if the CPU is hot and it can’t cool down, then it will stay hot.
Measure the size of your case, so that you know how large of a CPU fan you can go out and buy to install.
When is the last time you cleaned out your PC using compressed air? Over time pet hair, dust, smoke (if your a smoker) will build up on your fans and cooling parts.
Crack it open and have a look.
Have you checked your fans lately?
Dust in your fans is always a big issue for heat.
Also, make sure you fans are actually SPINNING. If you have dead fans, that is a SERIOUS issue you’ll want to correct immediately.
My guess is that OP has a laptop because:
In my experience, the only type of computer I’ve ever owned that got burning hot was a laptop. But we shall see