Compromise Void Elf/Forsaken

Don’t take her opinion so serious it’s just a corpse anyway

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lol yeah, I am seeing that trolls are out in force tonight.

It’s only a compromise if they get something special.

Oh no, you won’t sway me on this. I can see right through this. You just want them to rework paladins to be available for VEs and create a whole new class out of it. You don’t get to paint it as a deal that would benefit us.

Honestly, I’m ok with nelves paladin, don’t really care.


The last thing this game needs is more classes involving elves.


Actually, the last thing the game needs is another bad expansion.

I can’t agree … We need a Void Elf shaman and Druid too . ^^

Most dark ranger fan just want the skin as a customisation option like every race got in BFa. Most people are aware that dark ranger wouldn’t be that different from Markman. At the end it would just be a class that look 90% like hunter for a race that already have hunter.

Meanwhile, void knight would just be paladin but for are race that doesn’t have paladin.

So at the end the horde would get a skin class while the alliance would have a entire new race/class combot.

Yeah i know… A compromise is something that the alliance want for the alliance and something that the alliance allow to be on the horde. Horde dont get a say…

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I think that if Alliance wants VE paladins only renamed to Void Knights, okay.
I don’t really care. Use the same spells, different names and such that paladins have and call it Void Knight.
That would work because it wouldn’t be gutting other specs to create a new class.

As for the horde, Dark Rangers no. If that ever comes about, it should be cosmetic only or an additional hunter spec.

What would be a good trade off would be to give horde elves the ability to be druids.
That would work. Sort of.

  • Call the BE druids something else besides druid if that bothers everyone.
    Call them shapeshifters, call them late for dinner, doesn’t matter. Copy the druid class, different spell names but same spells would work and everyone’s happy.

Or not. I don’t think anyone’s ever really happy. Not on the forums anyway.

No. We had faction specific classes. Blizzard did away with it because it wasn’t right. Bringing that back would be dumb.


I can’t agree more with this. As much as i love elf, they are all already way to more popular.

Wouldn’t the best be to give less popular race some love in order to make them more popular? Why should all elf have a popular class like paladin???

Wouldn’t KT paladin would be better? The race isn’t that popular and they got the build of a race who should have plate and shield.

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id prefer them open DH up to more races and give it a third spec, maybe a spell blade spec?

Veng- seems to focus on the runes/sigils
Havoc- seem to focus on high mobiliy and melee

so have spell blade be slower and focus on the magic part of the damage.

idk mechanically how to make it different but shrugs

Void Knight? typical GD

Making things up

you have zero proof whether those dark rangers were High/Blood elves.

The point is they are dead and they are primarily seen associated with the Forsaken . People forget that the Forsaken are more than just dead humans.

If we’re adding new classes I’d prefer they:

  1. Be ranged since we have a glut of melee
  2. Basically mirrors on both factions with only a visual theme distinction between them because screw faction exclusive classes
  3. No race restriction because screw more classes only being accessible by just one race… especially elves.
  4. Both wear mail so we have more than 2 mail wearing classes in the game

After that I want a new cloth wearing class… then… and only then would I be interested in a Plate wearing melee class.

I have yet to see a Forsaken Dark Ranger, though.

Don’t matter, Nathanos has already trained Darkrangers that are not elves.

And the undead elf dark rangers are considered forsaken.

Forsaken are more than just the playable model.

So, do you see ok that Blizz adds Dark Ranger for the playable Forsaken and not the iconic Dark Ranger we keep seeing everywhere?

Dark ranger Velonara is a forsaken, she’s just not a dead human but a dead high elf.
There are also night elven Dark rangers now.

Is true what she said, forsaken are not just dead humans, it’s simply that the dead humans are the playable portion of it.

Oh, I know and I agree with it.

My point is that adding Dark Rangers to the Forsaken class would feel strange, unless Blizz adds the Dark Ranger Blood Elves model to the race (Which is something I actually support).

But imagine the Dark Ranger class being playable only by human Forsaken (the playable) and not the ones we see everywhere. It’d not be wrong exactly, but it’d be strange.

But the main issue is that dark rangers are essentially MM hunters with a shadowy aura to their attacks.

When I said “edgy hunters” while I was being hyperbolic, it’s really not that far from the truth.

Legion, introduction of stormheim. Sylvanas talk to us about a new generation of ranger trained by Nathanos. As dark ranger is just a name to talk about the undead version of a ranger, a forsaken ranger would be by default a dark ranger.

Being undead blood elf or undead human doesn’t change that.

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