Compliment the Person Above You - BfA Edition

The last one seems to have gotten lost in the forum backlog, so here's a brand new thread to share your compliments on!

Remember that a little kindness goes a long way, folks.

Since I'm first, I'll compliment the last person I RP'd with:

Milaia, I would've never been able to tell you were new to RP had it not been displayed on your TRP. You seemed a natural, and I look forward to the next time Dloin can meet up with you!
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Dloin, always a sweetheart and caring for the folk he calls friends - IC and OOC. :D

Miss RP'ing with you!~
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You're certainly assimilating to Zandalari fashion! Wait...
08/17/2018 02:16 PMPosted by Artemii
You're certainly assimilating to Zandalari fashion! Wait...
You have the same name [we can overlook the extra i] as my favorite smurfy left winger. Thus you are awesome.
Forsaken master race!
Nice to see more people wearing purple stuff! It's such a great color to work with when it comes to mogging.
I'm not a Priest guy, but I really like your set Oriphaar. Very original and well put together. +1!
08/17/2018 10:44 PMPosted by Edgár
I'm not a Priest guy, but I really like your set Oriphaar. Very original and well put together. +1!

You got a pretty cool name with an awesome guild name to go with it!
I see Kacey in SM all the time being the RP ambassador which I think is awesome. She is nice and friendly to everyone and does a lot to help the community. I wish we had more people like her !
08/18/2018 12:04 AMPosted by Alanorah
I see Kacey in SM all the time being the RP ambassador which I think is awesome. She is nice and friendly to everyone and does a lot to help the community. I wish we had more people like her !

And you're an amazing void elf that's awesome to hug! :D
Ah, Kacey. A staple of the RP community <3
Your mog is amazing. I don't play any cloth-wearers, but if I did, I'd be all down for the Cruel Combatant's set. Especially the headpiece.
08/18/2018 09:01 AMPosted by Dloin
Your mog is amazing. I don't play any cloth-wearers, but if I did, I'd be all down for the Cruel Combatant's set. Especially the headpiece.

DIOIN is my favourite dwarf pirate!
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08/18/2018 09:27 AMPosted by Kaceys
08/18/2018 09:01 AMPosted by Dloin
Your mog is amazing. I don't play any cloth-wearers, but if I did, I'd be all down for the Cruel Combatant's set. Especially the headpiece.

DIOIN is my favourite dwarf pirate!

You seem like the kind of person that would hug someone and give them a cookie if you felt they needed it and overall radiate positivity.
@thalondir your transmog is fantastic
You're a wonderful force of positivity on this server :)
08/19/2018 05:11 AMPosted by Vaeridon
You're a wonderful force of positivity on this server :)

Your transmog is fantastic!
And your guild seems pretty cool as well!
Your guild seems like so much fun, and it's great how involved in the community you are! And I hear you give great hugs. :)
@Tyrnathera Never before have I been as jealous of leather wearers than I have with BFA. Loving your outfit! You wear Kul Tiran fashion well!
08/19/2018 11:11 AMPosted by Maruuna
@Tyrnathera Never before have I been as jealous of leather wearers than I have with BFA. Loving your outfit! You wear Kul Tiran fashion well!

You've got a look that says "I want to be a pirate." And, hey, that's a win in my book!