Complex or easy rotations

Which ones are your guys favorite? I find the most fun to be easy but not DH easy, kinda like in the middle. I know theres people that like doing a math formula as a rotation though.

I can’t think of any spec I enjoy in BfA all that much.

Blizzard has put too large a grind wall for me to even find out. Baseline core gameplay across all classes is kinda bad in my opinion.


I personally would like faster gameplay.

When someone casts heroism, that to me, feels like normal speed in which we should be playing at.


I think complexity is a red herring. Fury might have more things to push than Havoc but I don’t like having to plan around when Eye Beam, BD, and Meta come off CD, Fury doesn’t feel as bad when your big boy buttons are recharging, and Recklessness feels more like dessert than the main course.

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yeah fury plays better I agree

I’m not super fussed, i just want to have fun that’s all, like Destruction in MoP felt amazing, it was a heap of fun and it just felt right. Same for affliction in WOTLK. Right now my class just feels horribly trimmed down and boring, i hate that our classes/specs are built around expansion gimmicks now so we spend most of our time feeling less than whole, constantly grinding and unlocking things just to have your class feel normal again sucks butt.

It especially sucks when we spend every new expansion heading into it feeling broken and empty because we’re leaving behind so much of ourselves over and over.

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I prefer that all dps have a setup where they can choose talents play a complex rotation that does better damage at the risk of losing it with a mistake and talents that make it easiar but you do poorer damage with the benefit that it’s hard to drop dps


outlaw rogue spec is probably complex for me since i still have a bad habit of saber slashing with 5 combo points up

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I heard theyre getting better in sl, hopefully they can get to where they were in mop

Unholy feels like a sweet spot for me, it requires a dot to track, a pet to manage and some planning to setup your big hits but it’s quite forgiving if you make a mistake.
Not Fury faceroll, not Feral’s unforgiving mistakes. Something in between.

I actually don’t mind Outlaw right now with a decent WA/Hekili setup, sure it feels bad to be constantly rerolling but the pace is still good. But SL’s normalization could be better.

fury is in the middle yeah, i like unholy super good dps in m+ too, just pop scourges on d&d i just dont like the whole disease fantasy of them. You guys are getting gargoyle baseline too in SL

Fury is so far from the middle, it is the easiest spec atm, even Havoc requires a little (very little, diminutive, minuscule) more thinking.

eh I like it, its not the easiest for sure

Depends on the variety and other elements. I don’t mind a long complex rotation but if i just do that exact same “combo” for an entire expansion, same button presses everytime, I will get as bored as I would with an easy one.

I need procs and switch ups, more IFs thrown in.

i like easy rotations because i am an OLD YOUNG MAN™ with the reflexes of a cat and the execution speed of a tortoise


warrior and dks, theyre both easy but not extremely easy like a demon hunter

I have trouble focusing on mechanics and a rotation at the same time. I prefer specs where i can just hop right in, where it’s less rotational synergy, snapshotting, and setup and more just letting it fly.

That’s what i liked so much about post-cata/pre-legion frost mage.

I like the simplistic nature of DH because it feels satisfying in my hands and yet i don’t have to think about it, which allows me to focus on the mechanics happening, and allows me to assist my raid with my observational skills.

Edit: It also has to be FAST. Which is also why i like current DH. I really liked assassination rogue thematically and playstyle-wise, but it’s…soo…damn…slow… Meanwhile, subtlety has speed and mobility to boot, but it’s soooo boring. Like the arcane mage of rogue specs.


I really can’t put a pin on what specifically draws me to how a spec plays. I love arms, but hate frost DK. I like frost mage (or more accurately glacial spike) but hate destro lock. I hate affliction, but love unholy. It’s weird.

I get enough wrist pain playing fury already without speeding it up even further, thank you very much.

It plays with three buttons, four for AoE and all you do is press whichever button the game tells you to (the one that is not on cd). Please tell me which spec is easier than that.