Half the time I complete Quest A, and before I turn it in (for instance when the quest sends me half way across Amirdraissil, and I have to return to where I got the quest), the selected quest in my quest log changes to another one, totally unrelated to the first quest, that I am not ready to do. Why doesn’t it wait until the original quest was turned in or until I manually select the other quest, to highlight that other quest?
This is especially bad in Amirdraissil, as the sight lines are so screwed up. I sometimes find I have gone halfway across the map before I figure out I am now being directed to a totally different quest. (And, yes, I rely on maps for much of my real world travels. It is part and parcel of my problems with ADHD.)
Is there something I can set that will make it stick to the first quest until I do something to clearly change quests (turn in or select in list)?