Completed a tier 8 Bountiful Delve. Great Vault says I have only completed a tier 1

Tried to resolve this with an in-game ticket, but got a completely irrelevant, canned response.

I completed a solo tier 8 bountiful delve today on one of my characters. Upon checking the in game Great Vault page, it says I’ve only completed tier 1 delves. Yes, I am sure I completed it with deaths left, am certain I used a coffer key, and am sure it was tier 8.

With tomorrow being vault day, I am trying to get this issue addressed so I can receive the proper 616 ilvl gear, instead of 587.

Still broken. I haven’t run a T1 delve since launch day but my Vault thinks thats all I run. I’ve run multple T8s this week and last and not getting Vault credit.

A blue response would be nice.

The ilvl reward on your vault is based on the lowest level you complete within the tier.
i.e. for the first delve/world slot, if you run 1 low lvl delve (or world event like theater troupe) and a t8 delve, the reward level matches the lowest level event.

If you complete 2x t8 delves, your first world track reward should display t8 rewards. For the 2nd world track, you would need to complete 4x t8s.

have done 9 tier 8 delves this week and my last vault slot says i’ve only done a tier 1. Please fix this blizz.

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FYI it takes 2 activities for the first World vault reward. You can combine Delves and world quests, which means that if you’ve only done a single tier 8 for the week on that character, you would have had to also do a WQ or lower tier delve to unlock the reward. That reward will be based on the lowest of the 2 activities that contributed to it’s unlocking.

tldr; it takes multiple activities (2/4/8) to unlock World rewards in the great vault. The reward ilvl is based on the lowest contributing activity.

Same issue with my vault. Last slot says tier 1 when I have completed 8+ tier 8 delves.

Same just completed a tier 8 bountiful and its only showing i did a tier 7 which i did yesterday helping someone get to unlock 8s.