FANTASTIC! Thank you!!!
Thanks, this solved my issue. I checked my achievements and was missing one. Now the question is, why was everything marked complete in the Traveler’s Log?
I’ve given up on this being fixed, especially since the GM who finally answered my ticket also gave up on it. It was basically, ’ We don’t know. Do other stuff for the tendies?’
But now, the game WILL NOT stop tracking it in the quest log. No matter how many time I go in and shift+click untrack the damn thing it’s back being tracked when I log back in.
Honestly starting to just hate the Trading Post. Maybe another week of maintenance will fix it.
I was having this issue too, I was missing some quests that weren’t obvious and you probably are too. Some of the other posts about checking acheivements were close, but check this if you are still having this issue:
Go to this comment and check that you have completed every quest listed in the table:
You can quickly open each quest, copy the IsQuestFlaggedCompleted command just before the comments, and run it in WoW. If any say false, go complete them and you will get your Traveler’s Log credit.
I had this same issue too. In my Traveler’s Guide, it said I completed all the questlines, but I did not receive the 250 points towards my monthly reward.
The problem, for me, was that I was told I completed the Ruby Lifepools storyline before I completed all the quests. I looked up which quests I was missing on Wowhead and then completed them. After that, it worked for me.