Complain Complains about pvp

I didn’t realize how important gear was until now when here we all are, with patch of this and that for gear, some not even 70 yet and everyone screaming the other dude needs to be nerfed.

This has been explained a zillion times, your abilities are not based on pvp, they are based on Player vs Environment.

Why everyone wants to have that super duper class, no one has any major sets of gear just yet, Horde teams still play as they are horde teams and Alliance still plays like everyone is all over the map and no one is playing together.

They are all over powered booo hooo… Come talk to me in 6 months when your booing and hooing is more relevant.

It’s the monk those sneaky monk and Demon Hunters and everyone else is stronger then my mouse…

I’d say that most PvPers have full sets of gear at this point. At least honor gear.

actually we have had two separate spell balance tables between PVE and PVP for several expansions now


After reading this a few times and giving it some time.
Nothing needs adjusting as there are not any obvious/blatant outliers present?

Wait til solo shuffle starts in earnest and we will see the water flow.
:ocean: :ocean: :ocean:

Yeah I read that and was like huh? Been a thing for a long time now.

I honestly have no idea what your point is and I re-read this multiple times.


You’re not understanding my statement, I didn’t say the spells are more powerful in pvp vs pve, the game is based on pve environments, not how pvp is played. It doesn’t matter if there is different spell tables per spell. The game base abilities of a character with nothing on is based on how the game plays in pve.

Pvp came later so we have a gear that can play in pve, and then it beefs up in pvp. None of my spells work any better in pvp than they do in pve. But the stats on my gear do help them get better just a little bit.

I was just in a few matches going head to head with a DH and in every case it was the rogue sneaking around me that killed me not the DH, the DH is only so powerful like any other class and some skills can beat them you just need to get your timing set. Practice will make you a good opponent to the DH.

Was thinking the same thing

I might need some gummi bears to figure this one out.

Takes at lest two embarrassing casted AWCs each expansion for them to get it together.

Just a little thing you get your old time math out and piece of paper, and look at these so called two different tables you will notice they really aren’t that different. You will also notice gear is based on pve not pvp. You can say what ever you like, I do not see anything in pvp that is for pvp it is for pve. Say what you want i know better.