Competitive WoW is slowly killing this game

Amazon from Logitec

so uhm how is it going to take 2 months if most items take like two weeks at most?

I honestly dont know

Some of us enjoy the competitive nature. If it wasn’t for m+ I probably wouldn’t even play that much. Don’t gate keep our play style.

They need to find ways so as many players as possible feel encouraged to play. They can’t please everyone but they can please most of us.


OP is mad challenging content exists apparantly.

There is much, much more content for casual players than there is for key pushers and Mythic raiders.

I’m gonna guess your actual beef is you can’t get BIS without doing the hard stuff.


I like to do world quests while engaging into fights against opposite-faction folks, but theres a little to do for casual play for sure, besides that i cant think of anything that isnt collecting mounts or doing the same thing endless on alts

i beat some basic endgame with effort, never get past 2000 rating on x2 or past heroic raiding, bc iam not good, but still I just don’t see the incentive, not worth it for me
 boring af if doing everyday constantly
 there’s ppl who like, thats okay they have a plenty of challenges already, but for casual play we have world quest
collecting stuff and
copying things from other mmos is good and there’s nothing wrong, they should do that with ffxvi’s casuals, I’ve already played it and I really like it, if the world soul saga don’t manage to make me more engaged in the casual game , I’ll probably dedicate all my time to mmo’s just for final fantasy and stop with wow, if you look at the forums its the same ppl with a thousand of posts who will find a way to prove you dissatisfaction being unfounded in a hostile way, telling you to play other thing
 thats the wow community for 2024. so be it, i dont discuss anymore, the future will make them regret it
a game with few people and made by tryhards
 we know what happens to games that only focus on hardcore

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WoW is not an eSports centered game.

When has this ever happened?

No it doesnt

Also. OP.

Are you gonna run away from this conversation too? I see why you have to hide on a forum alt.

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I don’t like horizonal progression.

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Not all of them. Plenty have quit and come back when they felt the game was better. And others do still genuinely enjoy the game. Casual players go where they feel they can have the most fun.

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At this point I think people using the sunken cost fallacy IS a sunken cost fallacy.


Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll be back with another thread tomorrow <3
Now that I know how much you love my posts - I wouldn’t dare disappoint you.

Define hardcore.

How else would you balance the game?

This thread reads like another Asmongold audience member who hates that they are woefully addicted to this game and unable to quit, and use high-end play as a totem to channel their frustrations.

Just quit.

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I mean.

They are pretty simple and standard troll posts just devised to be created then walked away from.

Just like how you created this thread and havent yet participated in the conversation since.

I think wow is in a pretty good place right now with gearing and feeling like you’re making progress on your character.

I have no complaint.

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See u tomorrow, honey bun.

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No. It doesn’t.

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The esports model has to be bringing in stickier sub numbers across the board when implemented. I mean, overwatch is built entirely on this premise. The games you mentioned. Etc. we see lots of titles gravitating to this model and then backfilling into a single player style option usually (think pet battles).

There is a reason these games create the carrot on the stick, it keeps us subbed. If I completed my character progression 2-3 weeks into a tier, they’d lose out on so much sub money from me.

You want the game to play like a single player farm sim, and that’s not what is was built to be. It was never designed to be this way. Vanilla had the AQ event and the entire franchise has pitted players vs each other. Even as far back as TBC we had guilds running dungeons for gems in t1/2 to be competitive. Wotlk we had badge farming and a hard mode unlock for ulduar. Cata saw a ramp up in dungeon difficulty to scratch that itch because the competitive crowd wasn’t satisfied.

If there is no challenge, there is no achievement.

We sell ego here sir.

:sob: Wow forced me at knife point to run m+
please send help! :sob:


How long 'til we get an “I’m quitting” thread? Those are much more fun.
Your free to dislike the game and gasp not play it, for whatever reasons you deem valid, but your gonna need a few more receipts if you actually want to change people’s minds about something they have ( and continue to) enjoy for decades in some cases. As it sits this just sounds like a temper tantrum.
No facts or figures to support your claims, no potential solutions to make it better besides “be these other games”, and telling people who disagree that their opinions are wrong.
Just stop playing if it’s so bad. That’s the most effective way to convey your dissatisfaction anyway.