So I wanted to push rating this week but my BF gave me Mono (I think he’s cheating but that’s a whole nother’ story). I feel super blah and like my response time is soooooo slow.
What do you guys do to maintain that competitive edge while sick? I’ve tried drinking lots of cucumber water and lavender patches on my chest but nothing seems to be helping especially since I cut out my daily sbucks to help stay hydrated
My parents are out of town for their anniversary so like I have unlimited time to play (usually only get like 30 minute a day after my HW is done) so I realllllly want to take advantage of it. Grandma is so lenient as long as she has her game shows on
sorry for your current situation. Esp with the bf. BUT…
I usually tend to stick to regular bgs if im feeling bleh, i get my pvp fix and dont feel like im doing a disservice to myself after getting whatever rating im at. Blitz is also what i tend to do as its really the same as regular bgs lol. Hope you feel better though
Actually yes, I hit 2250~ on my BM hunter while sick af a couple weeks ago just slamming Sudafed, NyQuil and whisky Red Bulls. Was absolutely zonked out of my gourd for most of it, but that seemed to almost help?
Haha , found someone else that says this. Interesting , geographically what part of the world or US are you located… on topic
If this serious and your sig other is cheating , and you have real proof and not just made up assumptions the relation is usually passed the point of recovery.
Not saying it’s not sustainable into the future but that layer of distrust honestly never goes away. Speaking from personal experience here, my partner never let go of what happened early (circa year2) into our relationship. We’re on year 8 now and remained faithful but she’s never completely free of distrust and still get random accusations that don’t make any sense.
For your other question, when you don’t feel good and want to perform you do what every professional does to get the job done. It rhymes with “hugs”
I’m actually Canadian, but I got it from the Scotty Kilmer youtube channel back when he would exclusively title his videos with the most insanely hilarious clickbait