Compedium of beta things that no one talks about

General lock class tree still has too many 2 pointers, there’s very little flexibility with talent options, here are some examples:

  • fel dom’s extension node fel pact is redundant , make fel dom 2 mins baseline.

  • bake fiendish stride’s damage reduction into burning rush baseline and replace that talent with spirited away (removed hero talent), spirited away was a very interesting talent option for enabling BR in pvp which is the only way it will ever be picked in that mode.

  • wrathful minion, demonic inspiration , demonic embrace/fortitude basically do almost the same thing. Combine them instead.

-amp curse and cdr node are too underwhelming, reduce amp curse cd baseline.

  • same for lifeblood and accrued, make them 1 pointers and add previously removed inevitable demise here so drain life can get some use again.

  • dark accord and resolute barrier should be merged into one stronger non rng cdr for UR , 3 mins cd on a 40% is far too long a cd compared to every other cd in the game. 25% dr on a 2.3m cd is comical.

  • socrethar’s and sargerai are mandatory for all builds , why r they 2 pointers?

  • shadowfury’s followup node is bad for both options. Cdr and radius on shadowfury is a joke , give us cast time reduction plz, everyone else’s cc is instant . Shadowflame isnt bad but it used to apply a dot and snares these days don’t provide as much traction as they used to ( too many ways to get out of snares).

  • teachings of the black harvest is a horrible talent gatekeeping a potentially decent option (demonic resilience) but no one has 3 points to invest there.

  • soul conduit 5% is too weak.

-Affliction : cd misalignment on some abilities remain, phantom singularity/ oblivion still 45s cds when the cadence of our cds are now based on 30/60s cds, either reduce or increase these values to fit the cd cadence please (and balance the numbers accordingly).

  • darkglare is outdated both thematically and functionally, please give us a cd that fits our true affliction class fantasy, dots! Something like the cata demon soul or the removed pvp talent rapid contagion would give so well.

Forgot a few things but i’ll add more to the list later.

Feel free to add your own thoughts and ideas to the list!

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