Compatibility between classes and races

I came back to WoW about two weeks ago, I stopped playing at BFA’s ending (I play since 2013), since Shadowlands didn’t attract me, different from all the expansions that came before it. Not that Dragonflight attracts me but The War Within does. Anyway, getting into the matter.

Can someone explain to me why lightforged draeneis can be warlocks and death knights? Like, what is it? It makes no sense, just as some other races, like night elf warlock, it was not possible before and now it is, but lore wise it is a direct contradiction, just like orc priest… What is coming soon? Nightborne demon hunter? It is wrong, very wrong, Blizzard should be more restrictive with races and classes compatibility, and not less…

Plus, any allied race being able to be a death knight is contradictory. I am sure this is not a revolutionary post, people probably talked about it a lot while I was out.

If there was at least a lore explanation for these things it would be more acceptable, you can tell me if there is one, but I haven’t found any explanation yet.

Why? Allied race DK’s (and Pandaren) have their own little starting experience that takes place just before Shadowlands.

It is not like the process of making Death Knights stopped with the Lich Kings defeat in Wrath.

  • Lightforged are the WEAKEST explained as there’s a Lightforged Warlock that was desperate when fighting the Legion and the new death knights are corpses from BfA the Ebonblade were collecting.

  • Encountered before in Dire Maul.

  • Encountered before on Draenor to which the last Mag’har Shadowmoon Orc (from Outland) has come to teach the next curious generation some of their dark serects.

  • Nightborne would be encourged since the Demons occupied Suramar.

  • Nah, both Arthas and Bolvar were still collecting adventurers into Death Knights.

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All added class/race combinations have new lore associated with them. Pandaren and AR Death Knights have their own starting hub, the warlocks have a whole quest showing why these races may become warlocks. There are orc priests in Orgrimmar explaining how they became such, and the new priestly order they formed. I would suggest going to warcraft wiki to catch up on the lore or exploring a bit, they all at the very least have new npcs around the world with little lote blurbs, if not more.


Plus, any allied race being able to be a death knight is contradictory. I am sure this is not a revolutionary post, people probably talked about it a lot while I was out.

No it isn’t, it’s incredibly easy to reanimate a Death Knight. Basic necromancers were doing it in Acherus.

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It is not really about having an NPC lightforged warlock or whatever, it is more about it not making sense with the lore of the race, what is the logical explanation for a lightforged to use fel and shadow magic? Same for orcs and light, and NB demon hunter would be senseless to happen, since the DHs were created to fight against the legion, and they are now gone. I get it about the DKs, but it is also contradictory since the DKs didn’t even want to be what they are, and they are now creating more DKs?

I get this is all Blizzard’s reasoning to make combinations more diverse, but the reasonings are weak.

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Did you educate yourself on the updates since your original post? Because you stated you werent aware of their reasonings.

DHs for Nightborne and void elves.
Druids for Orcs and blood elves.

I don’t care for the rest.

Forcing one’s conquered enemy to serve you seems like it’d be in line with a fanatic’s view of the Light. Even the Scarlet Crusade wasn’t above using shadow magic.

Orcs don’t use the Light. Orc priests are based around Lok’osh, which translates to, ‘Song of the Heart,’ or, ‘Song of the Spirit.’ It’s seen as a different aspect of shamanism. Shamanism focuses on the elements without, while Lok’osh focuses on the elements within. The Light doesn’t get brought up with it as far as I know. The visuals for the spells are the same, but I imagine they’d be different if Blizzard had the resources and manpower to customize class skills/spells.

The Illidari still exist. While Sargeras was defeated and the Burning Legion broken, only constant vigilance will prevent a new one from rising. The Illidari are well placed to act as a force to prevent any new Legion from rising.

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The tragedy of the Undead always sounded funny when they continued to spread their curse. Strange the Worgen aren’t doing this. :robot::thought_balloon:

…neither the Void elves. :octopus::thought_balloon:

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There’s a Lightforged Draenei in the 10.1.5 Warlock-specific questline that states he wants to learn if there’s a way to make the Light and Fel work together rather than in oppoosition. Look up Ph’el Oman (heh, “fel omen”) on the wiki and read all his quotes.

Bolvar and the Ebon Blade are still capable of making new Death Knights. Pandaren and Allied Races get their own starting point at the top of Icecrown before Bolvar sends them off to the Shadowlands (unless the player decides to level through Chromie Time).

Night Elf Warlocks have existed in the lore since vanilla. You can literally see them in Dire Maul. These are the exact same Night Elves that were used to explain Night Elf Mages back in Cata.

Orc “priest” are members of the Lok’osh (“song of the heart”) led by Seer Nakha from the MU Mag’har who teaches communing with the “elements within”. They have also since incorporate the Shadowmoon clan to teach how to use Void-magic.

The Illidari are still an active organization and quite capable of making more Demon Hunters should they feel the need.


Night Elf Warlocks have been a thing since vanilla.

Lightforged Draenei becoming Warlocks are no more strange than the most renowned Jedi becoming a Sith Lord. Individuals make their own choices and sometimes they make contrarian ones.


Warlocks - makes sense, as a beacon of Light, your glaring armor strikes fear to creatures of fel and shadow, so you get to enslave them, your Light-given powers command them to fight for you

Death Knights - I don’t know, I assume they reverted back to being regular Undead. Maybe if they’re Light-raised like Calia then they could make sense


Not even blood elf priests use the light. Orc priests are basically listening to the ancestors who should still reside in Oshu’gun. Tauren priests are sun druid. And Forsaken worship the shadows.

The one in-game Lightforged Warlock character we have is fairly vague in their explanation but honestly, Lightforged Warlocks make perfect sense. An Inquisitor who enslaves demons seems extremely on-brand for a Lightforged, particularly for questioning to find leftover Legion contingents and plans. I can see the Lightforged being the more aggressive sect of Draenei who would relish in the act, honestly. Although not confirmed in lore, you could also make a case that the process of lightforging may also protect the wielder from becoming corrupted while wielding Fel in service to the Light.

For Death Knights, the process of lightforging doesn’t protect them against death. A lightforged body can die and be resurrected into Undeath to serve as a Death Knight like any other Draenei. The vessel may no longer be lightforged in undeath but the appearance of being so would likely remain.

One could also make a case that they were resurrected through the Light similar to Calia (like Izilda mentioned) since it was revealed in Shadowlands through an interaction with Margrave Sindane that necromancy is necromancy regardless of the power that’s used to perform it.


We sould not know honor to stupid retcons like these types of magic in places that aren’t related.

I like the idea of a Lightforged Warlock basically being like a Radical Inquisitor from WH40K. Zealously devoted to the God-Emperor (The Light) and willing to use any means necessary to enforce His will, even going so far as enslaving Daemons to use their knowledge and power against other Daemons and Heretics; while being a borderline Heretic themself.


I get it, I am back for two weeks only so I found this all very weird, and I didn’t create any warlock yet or etc. But it sounds more like Blizzard creating weak lore to justify more diversity than anything.

Night Elf Warlocks were a thing all the way back in Vanilla Wow.

Blizzard is the ultimate authority of what is and what isn’t canon. Not the would be gatekeeprs on this barely noticed subforum.

If yiou can make a race/class combo than it’s canon. As always, the why is up to the player.