Companion system

Would you like to have some sort of companion system in WoW like they have in other games? I just started playing SWTOR again and it made me think of it. Having a companion that joins you in battle in the open world and you can interact with them.

You can also give them some gear so they become more helpful and in SWTOR you can set them to preform any role like tank, healer, or DPS. Do you think a system like this would work for WoW? I think it would be a cool idea.


They had it in legion and it was neat at times though sometimes your follower would just randomly go “make friends” with large trash packs while chasing a fleeing enemy and you didnt get a recall button to prevent it…

i dislike having pets with me, tbh.

I liked the WoD and Legion companions, never had the constant “gone rogue” problems that others seemed to have with them. I wouldn’t mind something like that continuing in the future. It’s kinda nice having an NPC along when you’re just running around doing dailies or world quests.

Absolutely NO companion system before proper playerhousing.

I have spoken.

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Only if they finally fix the beastmastery hunter bug with the animal companion talent, where instead of only granting a -35% damage debuff to your secondary pet it’s applied to everything including trinkets and quest bodyguards!

I did like the SWTOR companion system. It was nice to be able to have a NPC tank or healer to help out with some of the more difficult content. You wouldn’t really be doing anything challenging but it was nice for leveling and doing some of their harder quests.

Plus being able to send them out to gather crafting resources for you was amazing.

Absolutely not. Every time they force me to use a little combat friend it causes more trouble than it’s worth. It’s also annoying in general, like all vehicle quests.

in icap we trust.

Bring on the playerhousing!

I liked that the WoD ones had a toy to shrink them down in size. I wish they made that work on all xpac companions…

I just really liked hanging out with Lilian Voss.

They have a version of it now with the Maldraxxus abomination factory, although that isn’t useable in all places.

So the game mechanics are present, at least.

Is it a good idea? Eh, your mileage may vary.

Wouldn’t mind it at all tbh. I liked how you grouped with some ai npc’s on exiles reach island for that final scenario to fight the dragon. Would much rather group with npc’s, than most of the real life nerd raging neckbeards that play this game lol.

I miss adventuring with Chen.

No I find any form of pets to be extremely annoying. They get in your way of what you’re trying to click, or they aggro mobs or they don’t obey commands correctly.

“Hey, look! A cave! Wonder what’s in there…”

If they did em right, I wouldn’t mind the option to have a companion.

Wow has so much stuff they can implement, but they just dont do it and it pisses me off. I feel like the game is 10 years behind where it should be. Companions would be awesome to have, i mean who wouldnt want to have a jaina or sylvanas as a sidekick?