Companion App Failing to Connect

I am unable to connect to the WoW companion app. I get this message:

Timeout connecting to WoW servers

Please fix. Thanks.

It’s likely due to whatever other issue is currently happening for some. I’d recommend adding to the current post over in Tech Support.

Hmm… That one seems to be about logging into the game itself, not the App. And I wouldn’t know how to do the Trace Route thing on the phone.

In both situations, you’re talking about connecting via the internet. If your phone is on wifi, it’s the same as doing a trace on your computer (there are instructions in Tech Support).

If it’s not on wifi, then just wait for Teach Support to determine what part of the web is broken and wait for whichever ISP is responsible to fix it.

It’s usually not a Blizz issue that they can fix themselves.

I guess I can add a post over there the let them know it’s also the phone app that’s not working. And that I’m on cell data, not wifi.

Be sure to include that info along with the cell provider that you’re using.

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I will. Thanks.

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