Comp Stomp available at all times!

So people can practice pvp against the machine and get better
before inflicting themselves upon real players.
This seems like a good idea since pvp starts at L10
but there’s no realistic BG availability until much later


I support this just so I can finally finish master of AB… stupid resilient victory

Even when comp stomp comes around I’ve asked people to help get that achievement but people would rather just camp the bots in the GY instead of let them get to the 500 points first

Literally the only achievement I have left for like years at this point

Same lol. Next time it’s up I am heading to the achievements discord I really need to finish it off once and for all.

The bots, with their impossibly instant interrupts, only use a handful of abilities each. Some of their abilities aren’t even available to players after class and spec redesigns.

So as far as pvp practice…

But yeah comp stomp should really be available permqnently as an avenue for pve focused players to earn old pvp transmogs.

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i was lucky and got that last time comp was up just steamed rolled them

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Good luck with the achievement.
I was thinking more about expanding
pvp potential for more players with
compstomp presenting as a practice tool.

I need a comp stomp version of WSG so I can finally finish that rep.


Yeah I always and still hate that BG when I use to pvp a lot…

The few times I’ve done it the machine gets spawn camped in their starting zone for most of the match every time. What’s that teaching anyone?

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Omg yes please.


this has not been my experience…
practice makes perfect, is the idiom.

I mean it’s called Comp Stomp, not Comp Training

the virtual combatants should have talents/abilities
similar to those of actual players.
that goes without saying.

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It should be up at least once a month if nothing else.


Comp Stomp has been the most reliable way for me to grind Honor levels (and stock up on MoH for past pvp mog), I desperately wish it was in rotation more often (and for different battlegrounds… AB gets tedious after so many cycles).


And the Shaman who spams Hex on you. Hate that guy!

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They just get to see what it’s like graveyard camping the computers, so they know what to expect when they are being graveyard camped in a real match.

“Just like the simulations!”

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oh come on, vox, there’s more potential
to it than that.

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Why do you keep using this formatting, I just commented on your other post :joy: