
It’s hilarious. I was questing in Uldum and came across lots of quests that require you to kill one particular mob. Of course there’s people waiting in line to kill said mob and yet no one wants to share the tag. Everyone is activing there AoE spells and are ready to snatch the tag but no one ever thinks to just group up anymore. So much for community LMAO

Did you ask anyone to group? Be the change.


I just invite anyone near me and they usually join no problem.


Shared mob tags would solve so many problems.

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This has been my experience so far. I’ve gotten 5 man groups together with ease and when others ask for an invite and I tell them we’re full up, they at least group with the other people who arrive so if we lose out on the tag more than one person got it and it isn’t so hard to fight for the mob.

9 times out of 10 the people complaining about a lack of community never tried to either join or form a group themselves


9 out of 10 times it’s usually someone who gets a tag first and I ask for an “inv?” and no response. I end up just inviting them and they don’t bother to accept. Oh well, glad you queens get groups so nice and smooth :slight_smile:

So, let me see if I can follow the order of events here right

You arrive at a quest waiting for a mob respawn…

Then try to piggyback off whoever gets the tag first instead of forming up before the mob spawns and going from there?

Yeah given that and your snarky attitude I wouldn’t group with you either

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LMAO, you must not have played vanilla when it released. either invite the people around you waiting and hurry the heck up to get the tag with the group, or hurry up and get the tag yourself. Its an age old problem

You know what, you’re right. I will do much better next time. Thank you queen :slight_smile:

i like those because i can show my superiority by tagging the mob