I wanted to put a quick post out to gauge interest in creating a community for either Tauren only or Kalimdor Horde (orc/tauren/troll) if Tauren only wouldn’t have enough interest.
The intent would be to help create a community for some potential groupings for some of the content the game has to offer while still allow players to stay in their respective guilds. this would hopefully include in some RP, WPVP, bg’s, mythic’s etc…
This is in stage 1.0 form, not intending to put in much time if it doesn’t look like it’s going to be getting off the ground.
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I think this is a RAD idea. The server is lacking more Race-specific guilds. RP is feeling a little stagnant on the server ATM but there is a real push to revitalize and your guild would be a fantastic push in that direction.
Feel free to hit me up if you need any help at all.
Well to begin with always put effort into whatever you do so it does get off the ground, always have those ups and downs man. As for the community I’d say just welcome everything to make it easier and healthy but you do you. Good luck if you go that route, if not I know 2 communities that’d be interested in ya. h ttps://discord.gg/FqEHGcK
h ttps://discord.gg/aEUWb6K
Redwood Tribe is 99% Tauren and still active in current content, if this interests you, msg. @winter#3381 in discord.
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