Community for "older" players


Will try this again; in my late 30’s I’m having a hard time connecting with teens and 20 year olds on discord. Different age ranges usually mean different perspectives on life and different set of problems and how they deal with it.

I am just really looking to connect with more “mature” players - find a tight knit group I can run dungeons with on a more slower, paced and organized setting.

I will put my bnet tag up and if your interested I would like to touch base, I am talkative on discord and usually run dungeons, achievements and quest on EST evenings. 8PM - midnight.

If you find yourself in the same situation feel free to touch base.

Hexima#1459 - Americas - EST - Stormrage - Alliance


Great post! Add my bnet: NovaDogg#1756

We’re looking for more active players on our discord - happy to chat or add you right away. We have different levels, different ages, all that jazz. I’d love to grow some more of the alliance community there too.

B-net: Saxx#1747
Disc: Abs#5438

You can add me on bnet:Fae#1580 or discord: Fay#1631

Similar situation here, but on the Horde side and with a little bit less flexibility on time. My raiding guild hopped servers, leaving me behind (I’ll have to name change if I go, which I refuse to do b/c I’ve had this toon for too long). Been raiding with them cross-realm for a while, but they are changing their schedule which will knock me out of the roster.

Current guild has a raid schedule that conflicts with mine, as does literally every other guild on my server cluster it seems.

This post is how I feel after resubbing, verbatim. I wonder if this is how the older people in my guild felt 10+ years ago when I was early/mid 20’s and much different.

I’m probably going to end up cancelling my sub once the 30 days runs out. After hitting 120 I’ve jumped around Orgrimmar while reminiscing going over my achievements. I haven’t had a single conversation with a human since re-subbing.


This is my issue as well! I play on the Alliance side and it’s rough finding a group to raid with. I would love to find a community or off server group to join.

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Well said, I am down on both factions but mainly horde. I feel like I have been playing a single player game for a while now. Hit me up Omerta#1522


This really speaks to me. I don’t quite feel like I relate to the fast pace of younger gamers (nor feel like I have that urgency to desperately grind/fight over loot). I just want to play with a community and relax a bit. I’m giving this expac a shot to expand and learn tanking/healing, and would love to do so without feeling like I have to know everything before I hit the dungeon, or apologize constantly for making mistakes in pugs. Would love to add you guys, Lollerblazed #2661 (Alliance. Frostmourne)


I’m feeling old right now (52). I played mostly during WotLK when I had a guild. Have been very off-and-on since. I don’t have a lot of time to commit to the game, so spend most of my time questing or doing achievements. But I’m here to hang out and if possible learn to heal again. I’m on Terokkar, Alliance, Americas, EST. Nimrod#1853


It’s good to see that there are others who have a similiar experience. I have been playing solo for the most part since most of my friends left at the end of WOD. I am pretty casual and don’t have a set play schedule due to life. I would love to find some new like minded people to hang with, especially with the new expansion coming. I have characters on both sides, but mainly play horde.

Feel free to reach out - BTAG - Kilzalot#1165


I relate to your post and sentiments so much! I have not even tried certain heroics or etc because of the reasons you mentioned. I am playing sporadically now until SL drops, but I will add you and others here and maybe we can all do some learning and playing together!


Similar situation here, anyone is free to add me any time! Bova#11411

I’m in my early 30s and having an awful time with this as well. My schedule is constantly up in the air due to caring for parents so raiding is not really an option for me. I’d love to have people to talk to while fishing/leveling/etc though. Feel free to message me if interested bnet: maradia#1965


Older than most of you I’m betting. Upper 50’s still enjoying WOW when possible, with all its up and downs. Yet I don’t really raid any more. Although I don’t mind dabbling into it. Any serious raid experience I’m staying out of. So I’m looking for like minded group of people to enjoy what SL has to offer, a bit of adventure, some dungeons, all for fun times. Anyway hook up if you like. Flinstones#1516


Why doesn’t someone make a community where we can organize events and get a discord together? There is no need to really be on same server anymore since we have the tools to stay organized. As soon as WoW opens up again I am going try to add you guys / gals to one but I work swing shifts tonight. ;-(

I would like to raid normal then heroic but no higher and maybe run a key a week and seems either you never log off or you never get a spot in WoW today.

I got a Druid on Horde and Alliance but I will prob set-up raids for one side first, depending on numbers.

Anyone want to help me run a community let me know.

Thinking the community is going to be called “Vintage” lol.


I don’t think age is a barrier. I actually play with a couple of 80 year old’s who know their classes better than many younger players. Or maybe it’s more that they aren’t afraid to choose their class utilities over a dps meter.

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I’m in the same boat, just coming back and I have no idea where to go, at this point I’d like to find a decent realm with a solid group of players that are not rushing to rule the world… like to bs and just take things a day at a time. Yes I do want to get back into raiding, but at this point I’ll gladly wait for shadowlands…


This sounds like my kind of community! Polemos#1579

I and my friends resonate with this post…I didn’t see anyone in here actually have a community made. If there’s an existing one for folks like this I’d be happy to join. With that said, I made a community that I think people that feel like this could join. My friends and I have a core group right now, for mythic+, but we subscribe to the “lets learn the content together in a non-stressful pace” . I believe in that philosophy to, as dealing with folks that are always in a super rush to get things done really stresses me out.

Again, if there’s a community already, link it to me. If not, feel free to join this one I just made…I just wanted to get something going since there seems to be a lot of folks interested in something like this but no triggers pulled yet (I have this issue sometimes). No discord required or anything, but we can make one if we need to. Horde side only, community name is “The Smugglers Den”, set to auto accept.

My battletag: SHINODA#11927

Community Link: