Community Flare Addon PVP unfairness

Community Flare is a project dedicated to making life easier to be able to sync up and play Battlegrounds with your friends easier. The core features include Auto Queue settings when your party leader queues up for Battlegrounds. Block Shared Quests inside Battlegrounds.

I looked at it, its written like DBM or ElvUI, or many other using normal game language that is provided by Blizzard.

It doesn’t change your game interface or trick it, it’s not doing anything illegal with the game functions from what i can see. It’s a good look see if you want to see advanced playing addon code.

I don’t see blizzard lifting a finger to make a change that would cause a problem for pve if they eliminated any part of that functionality. Remember the game of PVE came before PVP.

If you were being honest you would admit far more goes into Que syncing than “pressing the button at the same time as someone else”.


I agree, but it’s not cheating, its using the community features built into the game, you join a community that only plays pug bg’s something and they go at it. They have tons of thing to learn from a website they made info from a community they might have accord going, I’m deaf so I can’t use voice and talk because I can’t hear myself real good.

Maybe they have it in a pdf and want you to learn it, how you are going to play in the bg’s its usually not military things “it’s just hey to win every time we need you to make sure you understand things” With communities that Blizzard has provided you can make sure you have enough player to do the premade stuff, and the addon makes it so people can’t afk out or transport out of the run or just leave those commands are temporarily disabled so it insures the premade is successful.

I am not in any communities in wow, nor accords no nothing, just me and my toons in my old guild that I use as a bank because I created it in 2004, and never had the heart to let it go.

I don’t have time to be a guild master and all that stuff like I used to, I just play here and there. Wow is fun right, were here to have fun!

The first Healbot addon was fantastic, but when they changed the language it broke healbot and it was lost for years. I learned how to heal with healbot and then had to start all over from scratch when it would not work anymore, today and since then I don’t use any healing addons for healing, it’s all two fast hands and a mouse.

I am not the developer for Community Flare so don’t care what they do, but I see they may need to chance the whole community thing to fix this or eliminated community until they can develop one that doesn’t allow addons to be created. Just more take away and ask for money for a game that is supposed to be great… I wonder does classic have the old interface with the old HEALBOT working???

It is an addon and not an outside program off game running the whole thing is really in your addons. For now it’s really legal to use.

I see you are insinuating I am a bad person or that I lie, because I like the code i see in an addon for a game that I PAY FOR, hmmmm, same kind of attitude for all those bg’s I am in, the person that can’t play…

It’s been a day and blizzard still hasn’t addressed the coordinated queue dodgers issue.


Did you read it?

It’s about queuing against another person. It does not say 8 groups of 5 stacking a bg is acceptable.

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They’ll do it Tomorrow™

source: Trustmebro (the guy who lost his premade)

Did you? It’s literally asking if the guild stacking a group together and making a premade is okay.

I don’t use an addon. I’ve seen it though, all it does is auto accept ques if you’re afk and shows who is currently qued.

And majority of people do not use the addon.

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The specific response is queueing at the same time as someone else is fine. It’s an obvious answer. Be it random or coordinated, it happens. Completely stacking a match isn’t the same thing.

Again, the code of conduct is VERY specific.

engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating

Next you’re going to argue it doesn’t give you and unfair advantage.


Premades have existed since Vanilla wow. The blizzard developer is very clearly talking about premades. Either you are struggling to understand that or you don’t want to believe it.

Premades are not against the terms of service and they are not cheating. nobody in the history of wow has ever been banned for doing a premade.

Could that change if blizzard feels it is creating more negativity than positivity? Absolutely. Multi botting was once allowed but is now against terms of service.

It is very important that if you want things to change you call it like it is, because it’s not cheating. Focus on how you feel it creates a negative experience, not saying “they’re cheating” over and over, because they’re not, and neither were the multi botters .

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Multiboxing was and is still allowed. What’s not allowed is the broadcasting.

Again, since you want to keep ignoring it.

engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

The rules are the rules and you guys are breaking them.


That quote means nothing. Anything can create an unfair advantage. Unfair is subjective.

Is it unfair if me and another 2100 que together in solo blitz and dominate a 700 mmr match?

Is it unfair if I a max level 80 spawn camp a level 40 over and over at the graveyard? Sure both of these are unfair. Neither of these are against terms of service though.

Blizzard has stated multiple times that anything goes in pvp/war mode. If pvp happened in a pvp instance and there is a pvp solution then it’s allowed.

And since we’ve established that que syncing and going 1 2 3 go isn’t an exploit, then yes, it is fair, because it’s not an exploit.

Again, nobody in the history of wow has ever been banned for doing premades. It’s not against the terms of service.

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It’s stuff like this that makes your arguments so pathetic.


I can look through the rosters of any of those premade groups and find players like this. Perfect or near perfect win/loss records. It’s so dumb man. It’s so dumb that you want to argue this isn’t cheating.

You guys are just some of the worst players to play this game. You actively ruin the game for others and ultimately you’re destroying the game for everyone else.


Here’s another good one.

Absolutely dismal win-rates on any solo content… but oh, look at that, all of a sudden they are amazing in epics. Weird.



Do the creator of Community Flare next! She is on Dentarg

I love that you guys always ignore this part.


It means nothing to you because it’s doesn’t fit your narrative.

Ya, this is just blatantly untrue. Just stop already you guys keep digging the hole deeper and deeper…

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The priest? o.O

they dont care. anyone running a premade is total weaksauce in my book.

“i have to grief other people to have a good time and win”



We don’t ignore it. It says “that MIGHT be”. Might being the operative word. I don’t use an addon. That “might” means nothing to me.