Community Flare Addon PVP unfairness

Dear Blizzard,

Community Flare addon is an addon that allows users to manipulate pvp Ques, so premades can win games easy and cheat the que pops. This is ridiculous and something needs to be done about this. Either ban the people using the addon or scan people’s api keys using the addon or wipe it completely.

Lets bring this to Blizzard’s attention.


Premade players, you guys need to come to a pug team’s bg chat and see the chaos and frustration you’ve brought to the pvp community.


i agree its stupid how this is allowed


My solo toon has a 54% win rate. Are pugs who don’t know how to play expecting 50% or better?

I don’t believe anyone who claims their games are “always” pug vs. premade. Pugs can play just as badly against pugs.

Also, can the OP just stick to the same toon for posting?

this happening in epic battle grounds mostly i think aswell in the rgbs

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I’ve never loaded the addon with the game, but I’ve looked at the code. It doesn’t do what you seem to think it does. There are many people who think an addon can do these magic things. It is bad, but not for the reasons you seem to think.

Addons can only do what Blizzard’s API allows them to do. As such:

  • Users have never been banned merely for using an addon
  • Specific addons have never been disallowed by the game; if an addon meets the technical specs for the game to run it, it is run; there is no scanning to say, “don’t run this particular one”
  • Blizzard doesn’t own the Internet, so it cannot “wipe it completely”; if an addon is out there, it’s out there and it will work until Blizzard does something to break the functionality

So there is something Blizzard can do if they feel like an addon’s functionality is bad for the game: they can remove the supporting functionality from their API. Remember, an addon can only do what the API allows. There is no way for an addon to move your character or get milk from the store. There have been a number of instances in which they have removed things from the API because they did not like some aspect of how it was being used. So what do you think the functionality is that should be removed? (I’ll give you a hint: there are no API calls to join or somehow manipulate queues, so it has to be something other than that.)

IMO, they should take a hard look at reducing the API support for quick join info for friends and definitely for communities if nothing else. I would love it if they would take account actions against the users who have abused the addon, not simply because of using the addon, but because of the following behavior of negatively affecting thousands of players by repeatedly dropping queue pops over and over again. I’m not holding my breath on that one.

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thanks for the commen. i agree action needs to be taken on those who use it and i see what you mean by blizzard cannot do anything about the api issue but hope somthing happens

They have. Unlisted addons aren’t new. You use them.

The addon is just allowing them to track other premades. That’s it. That’s why these players don’t care much they lose it. The real issue is the queue system and that they can stack one side with 8 groups of 5 for epics.

Fix that first. The addon is pointless outside of them dodging other premades.

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Çhîçkeñ is in every thread about this CHEATING ADDON claiming it’s a non-issue.


Your response is illogical.

  • I didn’t say it’s a non-issue, I said it’s a problem but for reasons other than the OP thought. And I gave specifics which you should feel free to refute.
  • You can’t cheat with an addon as they’re only able to do what Blizzard has specifically enabled them to do. You can, however, leverage an addon’s capabilities to conduct yourself in such a way as to break the ToS. (For instance, it’s not cheating or exploiting to use an addon to put things in chat, but if you use it to spam racial slurs, you will be breaking the ToS.)

I guessing that even after I’ve pointed you in the right direction, you still don’t actually know what any of these addons do or don’t do.

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i actually did and pugs have my empathy. pug vs pug games is alot fun. i also see alot of common solo quers that recognize premaders. i havent premaded in a while, prob wont until the dodging stops. i prefer premade vs premade, but since people are cowards, ill hunt them myself.


Aaaand these premades will afk when they come across other premades.

They literally just want to steamroll and grief.


Most of them just don’t want to play with toxic people who spout bigotry and homophobia.

They also leave when those specific people are on the SAME side as them. So unless wow allows you to blacklist specific people that’s not going to change.

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I don’t care what the code of the addon does or does not do, that does not matter.

It being used to queue with more than 5 people.

If Blizzard wanted that, we could queue as a raid.

It is cheating and exploiting and ruining the BG experience for everyone else.


Wow really going to say this as an excuse to dodge actual competition? Sad lol


Nah, I think it’s just about cheating. You seem to be a fan of it.

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“I don’t know what this thing does, but gosh darnit, I know I don’t like it!”

Nobody needs the addon to sync queues. I sync queue, I’ve never had the addon installed for a single second.

From what i see people are mainly complaining about epics they arent complaining about random bgs. I solo que multiple toons and you are correct i do not see premades every game. Que syncing is basically an epic only problem. I think its super cheesy and a very boring way to play the game. If it was 40 v 40 war games then yea it would be way better and id probably try and find a group. I solo que hunting for close games thats where the fun is for me.


Again, I don’t care.

What I do care about is people like you cheating/exploiting and making the game worse for everyone else.


If it was about competition then the premades would be dodging everyone. They don’t. They dodge one specific community. Every single one of them dodge the same specific community.