Community Council- We need confirmation on how it works

Hi Community,

I wonder if the Community Council will work like a facebook group on which admins must review your post and then accept it, If that happens it won’t be the same as the general forums on which you can post inmediatly and then moderators could flag, delete…etc the post.

I’ve this doubt because if someone provides a good feedback without any insult, like for example when last year people were leaving dungeons after getting their legendary receip and playerbase notice some comments from devs like people should finish the dungeon…etc, if someone post about how the issue is the player behaviour…etc

Or any other hot topic that you could discuss, even between the community, we’ve so many different points of views regarding mounts rarity concept, Horde and Alliance working on raids together…etc

If those forums are controlled by Blizzard end and people won’t see post until a previous approval, we’ll have just a new forum section similar to the Q&As on which people mention that Blizzard checks question beforehand.

It’ll probably work something along like this.


It’ll be a forum that anyone can read but only those on the “Council” can post to. I’m not sure how you find this confusing?

Edit: That kind of sounds harsh, wasn’t meant to be. :expressionless:


I am assuming that the people who belong, being pre-approved, will not be random trolls who would want to post things just to be contrary. It appears at this point that the intent is to have open discussion. I think they are sincere in wanting (or needing) players to help them understand why so many are leaving. But (just imo) I doubt they are ready or able to accept that the issues with the expansion were caused by Shadowlands itself, and not something wrong with the playerbase for not accepting an expansion that, according to the spreadsheets and ideas about what those people deserve, was designed perfectly.


Do you know how some facebook group works? you sent your post and then it wont show up to the community until an admin approves. Or it will work like this forums on which you post then the community can check and some moderators target bad post or delete, ban…etc.

There’s a difference.

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Actually good question. They didn’t say if only approved posts would be posted or not.

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It’s a forum only they can post in and we can look at. This isn’t Facebook.

It’s just a forum. There’s no approval process on this forum platform.

Why do you think Blizzard is going to any effort they don’t have to do though? They have this forum software already. They just lock it to certain accounts and there’s your “Council Forums”.

If you post silly nonsense they’ll undoubtedly delete it as they can do to these forums already. So again…why would you think they’re adding in approval mechanisms or something else?


I know but they can do a pre check, i mentioned facebook as example and that only happens on groups that had the setting on, Blizzard could do the same, avoiding some topics.

Highly doubtful. That’s not how this forum platform works.

I’m assuming that your post will appear immediately. I think the fact they are creating this group is somewhere between interesting and curious. Like most things that are announced, we are short on details and will not know anything until it becomes reality. Probably they are still thinking about these things and haven’t made all the decisions yet themselves.

Judging by their criteria, the group will not be representative of the playerbase. With previous groups and other sources of feedback (like beta and PTR forums) they failed to accept constructive criticism. Even if they do, the effect on development will be very long term.

Don’t hold your breath.

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What makes you say that?

True as mentioned , there’s nothing announced yet, we don’t know how Blizzard will protect also the people posting against harrasment, i bring this doubt because we’ve this platform for the general community but they can add this kind of checks in order to drive topics.

We can’t assume that because our general forums work on a specific way, the new council forums will work the same, take on consideration that they must put some form of anti harrasment mechanic on council members and devs.

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The types of criteria listed suggest it will be heavy on elites, theorycrafters, and content creators. If it contains even 2 streamers it will not be not representative of the playerbase.

Anyone who harasses someone on that forum will undoubtedly be removed from the group and no longer able to post.

The number of players who read that forum will be a subset of forumgoers, a small number. I seriously doubt anyone will attempt to harass someone in game over something they wrote in a serious discussion on it.

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The way I read the listing was that they’re trying to make it as expansive as possible, with raiders, key pushers, streamers, pet battlers, questers… It looked to me like they did actually want the whole playerbase to be represented.

Not really trying to start an argument or anything though, we’ll see how it pans out regardless! Was just curious why you thought that ^^

Trust me, it wasn’t built for you and I. It was built as a PR stunt. They are just going to accept “yes-people” from high end guilds to stoke their egos.

You might as well forget it happened.


But you have no reason to assume they’ll function any differently, and indeed seem to be assuming they will be different. It’s a forum. This is a forum. Thinking it will behave differently is making the jump into assumptions. Believing it’ll work just as this one works should be the default take away.

I posted in their thread announcing it to be careful about joining it if you apply(…I did not, nor will I). That you will be opening yourself up to people coming after you because they don’t like what you’re saying there since people will undoubtedly see you as “their voice” and gods help you if you post something they don’t like.

I highly doubt it’ll be a huge issue. But I will be surprised if no one at all gets someone whispering them some stupid garbage over it. So to be prepared for that eventuality if you apply and get in and be ready to deal with blocking/reporting harassment.

I am really looking forward to seeing this council develop. This is the most interesting thing to happen in a long while.

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They said they wanted to make it as inclusive as possible. Can they, given that they up front are asking for content creators, guide writers, elites and (oh, that other stuff people do)? If the group is not 80% casuals it will not be representative of the playerbase.

Are you seriously thinking that they would create a group that is 80% casuals and take their advice, given the history of player relations?

While this is possible, I think it’s also possible that they are still struggling to come to grips with the fact that so many players left an expansion they thought would be well-accepted.

I think this is the probable end point.

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Apparently on the application(…I didn’t actually look at it) there was a section to provide functionally “references”. People seem to leap at this meaning they’re recruiting streamers. But it seemed far more open ended including linking posts.

It’s basically them going “show us what you bring to the table” and allows people to give an example of themselves being constructive.
