And yet they knew they did not enough. Check the updated reward armor. In their panic they forgot to remove the design from the butt. They did a low effort job on purpose, despite giving the whole zone new NPCs. As far as I can tell:
- Size fix for the shoulders, they are too big on Worgen in general. Or at least for the new Noblesuit
- of Gilneas-title
- Greyguard-title
- Slash-Animation for Melee characters
- Release the darker original heritage armor-design
- New Noblesuit fix (gold line above the belt, when you split the transmog, secondly making the belt 3D and give it the gloss effect from the Heritage armor)
- Smokey Charger horse mount with gold design
- Gilnean Horses with flags on the back
- NPC-mistakes (wrong tabard, several NPCs use the 7th legion tabard)
- Make the inns “rested” in Gilneas
- Portal to Gilneas in SW/OG. The Horde has an easier access to the new neutral city than the Alliance, which shouldn’t have happened.
- And they Worgen-toy should be lootable to all players, so Worgen only can use them.
- And of course, tails.
I’m just highlighting you, but would you mind to post this list above in one of the Worgen-topics in the CC? It’s a collective list I saw in the discussions yesterday in Gilneas during the RP.