Community Council Live Chat - How to keep RNG value and improve specific item grinds?

Council member asked about those items from dungeons on which you’ve to grind the same dungeon X amount of times for an item.

Ion mentioned that adding those items to a deterministic vendor kills that fantasy from RNG.

Then, Implement another approach like the bad luck protection for the 2 hand legendary.

Every time you do a run of the same dungeon above a specific track (Whelping, Drake…etc), you increase the % for the whole loot table by a % for that track (In order to avoid players running +2s to increase the drop of items and then running a +15), once you get an item from the loot table, only that item resets to its default drop %.

Then, you get a scenario on which every run matters because you’re doing progress and you still don’t know when the item will drop but at least you’ll get it eventually with less time invested compared to doing the same dungeon X amount of times for the same drop % on each run.