Community Council discussion on Hunter design

Does take something like the latter to balance out multiple IEP meetings.

No worries. Still looking forward to your thoughts and what insights you can give on the rest of the council’s.

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Hey Watermist appreciate you- don’t stress about the WoW stuff we value whatever feedback you can help pass on.

Could you ask in the Alpha thread for clarification on “Serrated Shots” in the class tree?
Specifically- does “Bleed damage” in the text refer only to the damage caused by the “Master Marksman” effect or does it include other abilities like “Barbed Shot” which is described as bleed damage?



Can there be another route to get wind arrows rather than bullseye?
if wailing arrow shoots out windarrows do we need the talent for it to work ? if so it being under bullseye feels even worse.

Another week and nessings is still in the tree, any word on why its still here ? It brings out really toxic gameplay and will be a must need for min/max

put cap stones feels really bad when compared to other classes Steel Trap… A single peron root that is cap stone ability feels realy really bad i like ability but bring it up a lil in the tree

Intimidation should be where NTA is now, Steel on a choice with Binding Shot so you can enjoy the bleed bonus of Serrated Shots (and have similar effects, single vs group, on the same node), and then HE and Scatter should be on the same node, possibly changing HE to knockback and short incap without the DoT wipe. Imp Traps should be where Binding Shackles is (which should be removed) with a dead end into NTA directly below it. There should be a connection straight from Steel/Binding to Keen Eyesight.

The top right of the tree has been bothering me, too. I feel like Natural Mending should be baked into the ability. It’s pretty clear that Blizz thinks it’s mandatory for surviving given its connections, so why not just make it part of the base ability? Then you could bump Camo into its place, and put a choice node below it where you improve Camo in some way. Maybe “Lasts until canceled”/“Has no cooldown”? Not sure, exactly. Or this would be a good spot to put a choice node for Turtle as “Can attack while shielded”/“Heal for X amount while shielded”. It would make more sense with the link to Born to Be Wild below it. Oh, and Rejuvenating Wind should be where Improve Traps is.

ALSO, Improved Kill Shot should be baked in. Who isn’t going to take that? It’s a weird choice. For that matter, who isn’t going to take Kill Shot? Maybe the first three choices should be Crows, Conc/Wing Clip (change for spec since they can’t seem to pull their heads out on this one), and Serpent Sting with no pre-picked slot? Putting SS at the top and rejiggering the right side of the tree would help with the odd mix of survivability and damage. The overall theme, to me, should be left side pet buffs, middle utility and survivability, right side damage.

Finally, I want to mention something that has been bugging me about the class tree in general. We have way too many nodes that are mandatory 2 points that you HAVE to pick for branches that then connect to two point nodes. That shouldn’t happen, or not happen very often.

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Damage vs Utility doesn’t really feel like a choice.


Would feel pretty weird to put something as powerful per execute as Crows as an R1 talent (akin to sticking Phoenix Flames or Colossus Smash or Wake of Ashes in R1), but otherwise agreed.

Definitely give SS a choice node though, as not everyone will want to have to maintain a(n extra) DoT.

Best not to pigeonhole that utility against throughput capstones unless you really, really don’t want people to take it outside of PvP and all but certain M+ runs.


They changed stuff in BM side but im still unsure they understand what they’re doing. Its not about adding new stuff. But fixing the fact they have too many 2-3 node still and the order of branching.

Training expert, killer Command, Kill cleave are still in the Arrow section and Thrill of the Hunt is still in the pet section. Same for Flamewaker

I would argue that’s a superior choice to two throughput talents where one is always the right choice and the other is a noob trap.

I think the placement of it in the tree makes it artificially strong. I have to imagine pressing Colossal Smash is WAY more satisfying than Crows. Also, Bloodshed (without doing any spreadsheet math) seems like it would be a better choice in both AoE and ST? That said, putting Crows at the top of the class tree would allow for interesting buff and synergy choices in the BM tree. Right now, there are none. EDIT: Of course numbers would need to be adjusted to reflect its new position.

Considering that row is throughput only, I don’t think it would make much of a difference.

But Intimidation is utility. Moving it to where NTA is would have utility compete with throughput in a tree that has tried to specifically avoid that outside of R1 (Kill Shot and perhaps Kill Command vs. Concussive).

Ahh. I gotcha. Who’s taking Steel Trap now, though? Especially with the current layout? Maybe PvP? But even then, you’re taking it because of the utility (or at least I would) more than the DoT. Also, what weird build would take Serrated Blades and Steel Trap?

I’m not arguing with your point, just saying that as near as I can tell, Steel Trap is a bad choice given the other options in the bottom row.


For steel trap to make sense, it would need to work with ALL traps as it currently does. Not just frost tap.

If it was changed in SL, from working with all traps, then apologies. I have not used that build since early CN

It needs to go away. Its clunky and a mess to play with.

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It has its place, in PvP it works very well.

As for PvE it would need more. NTA would need more. Honestly if they want us to be a trap spec, then we need more traps that interact with that part of the game.


It should be a pvp only talent.

As we experienced in S1 and S2 in SL, ST surv was neswingaries and it was absolutely terrible. Horrible clunky playstyle, having to to target traps every 20 seconds. It was the defining factor that drove me away from the spec. I know many others who have said the same thing.


How does BM Kill Shot + Improved Kill Shot + In for the kill feel relative to current Flayed Shot + Razor Frags?

Cannot believe they chose Chakrams instead of Razor Frags in base tree.

complete agree steel trap should be higher up in the tree not a Capstone… when warriors get Crazy cap stones we get steel trap

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It is well known across the community that capstones in the hunter tree are quite boring and subpar.
Warriors: 19 points in 15 talents with 4, yes, 4 choice nodes all in the bottom 3rd.
Hunters: a trap.

…Having “choices” picked in the same situation in PvE is just a matter of picking whichever one gives more throughput. In PvP, you’ll take Piercing Verdict; in PvE, Elysian Might.

The second choice node is literally just half each the effect of the old single node; it offers more control but now weakens the proc and now further forces surrounding Class and/or Spec choices due to its more constrained synergies.

The third and fourth are literally placeholders.

Only three active capstones can be taken as a Warrior, exactly the same as Hunter.

And like Hunter, only one spec actually gets to choose where to spend the majority of its points. Fury is forced right. Prot is forced center. Arms only forces either of two choices in addition to its free picks, which is a relief by comparison to Prot/Fury, but still worse off than MM.

Better a trap meant for the player’s use than a trap meant for the player’s detriment, which is all that can be said of the Warrior’s choice nodes at present, and much of the Warrior capstone tier in general for DPS due to a third of its points being useful only to a particular spec and its dependence upon specific spec talents.

Yes, the Hunter capstone tier is crap. Let’s not pretend, though, that it’s unique in that regard.

Tonight was Back to School night. I got a lot of my feedback typed up while waiting for the event to start.

I’m aiming to get my post up by tomorrow night! MAYBE Saturday morning, but I’m so close to done, I’m eager to get it up! Thank you for your patience. :grin: