Community Council discussion on Hunter design

Its the same worthless design mentality all thru the class. They focus solely on one ability and then you have 1-2 additional abilities and then thats it, done!

MM= full focus on aimed shot and some slight focus on rapid fire and arcane shot/multi shot.
BM= full focus on barbed shot with some slight focus on kill command and multi shot.
SV= full focus on wildfire bombs and carve/butchery or mongoose bite and kill command. Then some very slight focus on… Nothing really.

Its so so bad its laughable. When i discuss my Hunter with friends who Also play they think im joking. Its so bad compared to every other class and spec in the game!

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I just looked at the warlock trees and while destro is a little bland, the other two look real good. Aff might be a little too involved, but it always is that way.
Rogues, warlocks, warriors, shams, all received good trees.
Priest, pally, evoker, druid are ok-ish,
Hunters, mages got ripped off.


I agree that the Hunter class got shafted real good! I dont know mages so i cant say but might be, Also feral is in a rough spot but at least their class is Very good.

And I think priest looks good and probably plays well enough. Paladin looks amazing, been dabbling in paladin on and off and the trees look really well done, not tested them though. And evoker perhaps looks a bit cut but its completely new so that is ok, and apparently it plays very well and is quite refreshing.

Its just so infuriating that its not just one spec that looks a bit bad for Hunters (as for feral for example) but the whole class looks garbage… They for sure put the wrong man up for the job there. Or he is a shaman die hard and simply doesnt care about Hunter at all. It sure smells like “I will put in some time And effort to be able to say I’ve done my job”! But there is zero true effort, passion or genuine love for the class seen in it what so ever. Saddens me. I dont want to skip DF because it looks good Generally but to be forced to change main or stop playing because they do such a sheet job? Sigh

no nothing wrong with survival ur just a noob stuck in the past

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I wouldnt go so far as say there is nothing wrong with the spec. There isn’t much that is Right with the spec if you ask me. Hunter honestly doesnt seem to improve much at all even after 4 patches… But that it is melee (i mean it isnt, not really) is not it though.

Class tree is confusing, bland and poorly implemented. All the specs are really bland and full of filler talents still! And all 3 rotations are very bad and childishly simple (simple is not always bad, but a 2-3 Button rotation is simple bad). And for example the pure fact that SV is “melee that some times shoot” while still having the vast majority of all it has be ranged?

Yeah Hunter is in Dire needs of a full rework. I used to say that its just work needed but after 4 patches with very little real change for the better (the core of the whole class is still boring and bad) I’d say they probably need to remove the guy in charge of Hunter and take one of the actually good designers and give him/her/it the rest of alpha/beta to really rework the class.

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How do you import all the class trees?

In the manager?

Once you’ve started it up, you click on the + in the upper left/middle to open a new tab(and you get a pop up window). From there, you can choose to import a preset of an existing tree, or import a custom one such as this:

In the default tab, you can switch over to the tree editor to start creating your own tree.

Yeah, that’s kinda my concern.

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I also love how we’re basically screaming help in an echo chamber that Blizzard soundproofed from the outside.

  • Want actual change? They listen/respond exclusively to Community Council so you’d have to convince one of them to do something.
    • The last time they even posted anything here was June 20th, and prior to that March 25th.
  • Is your/our complaint about anything related to Dragonflight, including class discussions? Better have alpha or beta access, otherwise your opinion doesn’t matter because…
    • “Just wanted to mention, most communication with regards to Dragonflight Hunters will be in the Dragonflight Hunter thread, rather than this thread.” -Nixom
    • How would you know what’s going on, even though you have at least one eye and a braincell? You haven’t PlAyEd iT.

I’m not saying that our Hunter Community Council members aren’t doing a good job, they’re doing the best they can. But it really makes their UNPAID jobs a lot harder when [Blizzard] only listen to 1% of 1% of people. Blizzard really did outsource the CMs they fired to unpaid labor exploiting passionate people.


Futher, it’s a situation where they’ve presented the 1% of 1% a burnt turd on a piece of toast and said, “This is what you’re getting, how can we make this the best possible thing?” RATHER than considering any actual improvement to what they’ve created. They don’t understand the problem is structural (from this forum’s point of view), not the frosting on top.

As I said before, it would be very simple to move some skills around to really build spec identity. For some reason, though, Blizz is FULLY COMMITTED to what they’ve made and they seem unwilling to flex at all. I don’t know if it’s like hubris, or a disconnect or what. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills every time we find out what changes are in store for a new expac.

I would challenge a blue to define what an SV Hunter is - either now or for DF. What is it? What’s the design intention? The traps aren’t any better than what you can get with other specs. The survivability is LOWER because the PRIMARY SOURCE of Hunter damage mitigation is KITING, and the only way to dump your focus bar and enjoy white damage is when you are in melee range (outside of a long CD). You do good damage with AoE explosions, but you do it while standing in the your enemy’s face? Huh? You generate focus from your pet and you’re supposed to be a team (like BM should,) but your main damage source is poisons and explosions. NOTHING makes sense about the spec. Literally NOTHING. WHAT IS IT SUPPOSED TO BE? HURRRR CAVEMAN HUNTER USE SPEAR, DIS IS DAT isn’t a sound argument (strawman, I realize.)

And still, we are getting more of the same in DF and being asked to give feedback on changes as they are applied to a flawed structure. Please. Fix the building, and THEN adjust the sliders.


Yea, i kind of agree, not going to lie. Our CC members are pretty much radio silence unless it directly affects them, then they are up in arms.

Even when they are up in arms its not about the right thing. When surv needs a lifeline they are nowhere to be found but if bm needs 1 more yard on beast cleave, the sky is falling.


I’ll just leave this here.


If you worked for blizz, would you want your job to be browsing and engaging with players on the class forums? Sounds like hell to me, its not hard to see why you ever see a blue post in the class forums.

Does it come with free mental health counseling ?


Explain Survival Hunter identity to me.


They cant, bc there isnt one.

Or you will get THEIR opinion on it.


Honestly I wouldn’t mind it one bit. Id love to be the mediator between Blizzard and the community. I wish someone would do that. On some against ToS places I have heard about, the devs have ‘ascended’ to a point where they log in and chat with players in Org and SW. Heck, I wish I had Alpha access or was a CM, because then I would be hammering away at those forums until they either answered the questions we pose as a community or they remove me.

LMAO! :rofl: and then by your side is a literal DEMON transformed, (DH) A Death Knight summoning a dead army, a Warrior transformed into an Avantar doing a bladestorm…also in the back you have a Warlock summoning a nether portal to call a DAMN PIT LORD, a Dragon (EK) burning everything down or a Shaman just being Thor the god of thunder…while you…well…you stab stab and pet bite.

I’m done with hunters, I’m going with the PIT LORD gang :GIGACHAD:


Let me ask you a hypothetical question, if you did work for blizz and blizzard stance on “A” was “X” (that A is X and will remain X) however some players want “A” to be “Y” and not “X”- what would you say to those players? Would you still engage with those players who want “A” to be “Y”, would you tune them out etc…?

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