Community Based Guild

Casual player looking for a Community Based Guild
Dungeons, Mythic Plus, Battlegrounds, Xmog Runs, Lvling
Want to normal and heroic raiding in shadowland
community on Discord as well! let’s laugh and make jokes to have fun together
it a game XD

best way to get ahold of me is through Discord
Discord: Artel#4634

Hello there. This is what we wish to create with our growing guild.

Pyreanor is a smallish semi-hardcore guild on Wyrmrest Accord that is looking to build our community for heroic raiding in Shadowlands.

Currently we’re compromised of mostly returning players who are killing time until the next expansion.

Our main goal is AotC in Shadowlands content or before without that one guy who yells in voice chat.

Our raid times are Tues Thurs at 6pm Pacific.

Aside from the raiding aspirations, we help others gear up and we teach new players.

We hope you will consider joining our crew of misfits in our journey to killing bosses and looting epics and make our core a little bigger. Come hang out with us.

Please let me know if you are interested via btag or Discord.

Zandrae#1418 / D: Rialius#0301

Hello Artel!

My guild Evolved might be a good fit for you! We are an 18+ community and most of our members have families, jobs, etc so we understand the importance of real life coming first. Because of this, we do not require 100% raid attendance. Everyone is super friendly, mature, and a ton of fun to be around! We like to focus on having a strong community as it makes the game so much more enjoyable, and our main goal is to have fun together!

We raid Weds/Thurs from 8:30-10:30 pm EST. Evolved is a Horde guild on Area52. We also have a sister Alliance guild on Proudmoore.

You can contact met at Grimmy#1990 if you have more questions.

Here is a link to our recruitment post: [H] Evolved Gaming, 18+ guild recruiting! 10/10H CN - #348 by Grímmie-area-52