
Well it finally happened, glad to see some changes, even if it’s just a few with the Havoc spec, and with certainly more to come, but i’m feeling more hopeful than i’ve been in a long time for the class to be in a position to succeed. Blizzard needs to step up and address the DH community at large and talk about there thought process, similarly to the writeups on Hunter, and other classes. Personally, I feel like Havoc just got left in DF to be dealt with another time and honestly , still feel like it wasn’t a priority. I would like to see the reasoning why they allowed AR to not be touched the entire season, why none of our feedback has been acknowledged up until now, and the direction the class will be moving towards in the future.

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I agree with community communication being a good step forward. I am also curious why they waited 3 months to buff havoc with a 2% buff that did nothing to change its status as the worst melee DPS in M+ and the lowest damage to bosses in raid for weeks/months.

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But it’s some huge nerfs. Why are you happy?