Communication has never been this bad

While correct that we do not co-design and they do not directly discuss and debate with us, they do address certain issues and changes.

Also incorrect.
While you might be correct on Blizzard’s general changes in how they address the community and that it has certainly seen a heavy drop compared to “the early years”, Blizzard does still bring things up, especially in the case of Classic.

One of the most recent examples that has come up very recently again is the drums.
They mentioned it before during the Blizzconline event but recently have re-addressed the issue with their current idea to fix it. They specifically made a non-sticky blue post about it.

This is essentially what OP is asking for, for them to come out and say what they think about and likely plan to do about the issues at hand. Mind you I am not entirely agreeing with the OP on how Blizzared should address these things either!

While I am not a fan of things like the boosts and mount I do not see Blizzard fully addressing these things. Same with the servers and dual spec as these are simply requests that they can ignore.

Paladin Seals issue however I do see is an issue needing clarification. Not so much that it is some massive issue or anything but the question of what it is. Be it that it is intended to be the way it currently is in the beta or if it is a bug. It is something on the minds of a number of players. Now one might argue that the number is not so great enough to warrant a response or that you feel it should be one way or the other, but it is a question that should be answered just enough that players know what they are dealing with be it a decision or an oversight.