Communication for feedback

Blizzard probably has some employee who reads the forum for feedback. That employee probably is not authorized to write in the forum. And that employee is certainly not a “dev”, or an insider with knowledge about Blizzard’s plans.

Many of the posts in this forum are toxic attacks on Blizzard. Smart people do NOT respond to attacks, in any way. They do NOT engage (interact) with toxic people. That is a well-known strategy. It definitely applies to this forum.

Two-way communication with “Blizzard” is not part of the service. You are not paying for that. Blizzard doesn’t offer that. You are welcome to provide 1-way “feedback”, but it is not replied to.

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After weeks of radio silence, the first blue post we got was a CM unwittingly stumbling into an obvious troll thread posted by a level 10 gnome named “Proudboy”, who was advocating Whitemane’s unique and superior culture to other servers, of which it should not be ashamed.

CM came in halfway through a conversation with rich contributions such as “I love being White(mane)” and how servers are “separate but equal”, and was then understandably chewed out for inadvertently advertising this particular thread with his Blizzard tag.

No, this is a bit different. Besides, what kind of customer service are you advocating? If a restaurant manager serves a bad meal and knows he’s going to cop a lot of negative feedback, that means it’s okay for them to sit in their office and hide?

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Kaivax has been pretty active sinc ethe beginnign of 2020…I wonder if Acti-Blizzard made it a point to get teh CM back out there…I made a fan boy post to kaivax here…hope he keeps poking his head out going forward…

Clearly you’ve never managed a restaurant. :joy::joy::joy:

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To put the analogy a bit better:
If a restaurant manager uses rat poison in the iced tea rather than sugar, gets negative feedback for doing so by customers, are they really going to have other customers white knighting him, suggesting that if he is criticized he’ll stop serving iced tea?

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Four posts, one of which would have gotten him fired a lot of places, isn’t what I would call " pretty active".