Communal notice for all you deathknights who want a cameo in the story I will be writing!

Greetings brothers and sisters!

I wanted to extend a hand to those who would be interested in a “communal event” that involves a small part in the fanfic I will be writing in the coming months.
All that takes place is a grand melee on the spire of Icecrown to determine who will be the next Lich King/Queen… unofficially of course.
I promise none of you will be killed off unless you request it, and you must give a respectable class name. I am open to using actually character names but they must fit the thematic qualities of our class…
XxXBonerlordXxX doesn’t work well in this instance…
Leave your info below if you want to be included, otherwise, carry on!

(were looking at a time frame of about a month from now).


Neat idea. I’d offer a toon up, but really, I’ve only got one Death Knight and she’s not interested in being the leader of anything. Which is also how I explained the legion quests where we were the “leaders” but were really just the weapon/enforcer of someone else.


Bumping for awareness! If someone does wish to partake, just leave a Deathknight themed name below! (in reply to the main post above).


I will put my name in contest.


Excellent! The scene outcome will be randomized, so maybe ill see you at the finale!

With the progression of the story well under way, I am giving final notice to all those who wish to provide their Deathknight names as “cameos” in the story!
Hopefully I can get a handful of participants within the next week!

Update: The chaper must get written! I would have liked to see a lot of you involved but I have taken it upon myself to get this story done in a timely manner! personal thank you to Dharana, I will write you in the chapter as a cameo! And with that, this has come to a close.

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