Common misconceptions of GDKPer's

Oh I’m sure there’s a handful of new players in era but the vast majority of them are established players.

Whereas SoD was 100% new at launch and of course each phase will be fresh until we hit 60. So sure once SoD has sat at a static level 60 for a few years we can compare SoD to era.

Why is the price of online SoD gold plummeting after the announcement? The price of gold has dropped by 35% in the last 2 days… This is because the end user of botting is GDKPs. Go look at era servers where MOST of the raiding is done with bot gold(double entendre points +5).


Do tell…

Because it’s the end of the phase and they want to incentize purchases before the new level cap devalues the currency. They are giving you a perceived discount the same way any retailer does on goods.

It’s pretty simple economics.

Lets be honest the people doing all the quests at lvl 25 for gold are maybe the top 5 to 10% of the players base. Blizzard already stated the stats for those lvl 25.

Cope some more. Because this made me laugh.

5 to 10% do honest gdkps, the rest is safe to assume they swiping. Its the modern gamer. If they werent then the bot armies would move on

Crazy though since the ban announcemebt some of the big time gdkp/sellers have moved on to something else… wierd

I understand where youre comming from. And yet i also see the other side of the coin as it were. And im hoping that they nring the same thing to retail. Not because of the link to RMT or anything like that, but it becomes a PTW mentality, GDKP becomes boosting so quicky, and encourages gold buying. But its a part of retail that is tainting classic. Classic was supposed to be getting back to the roots of what WOW was, yes it excluded folks that wernt guilded for raids, but that made you earn your spot. With GDKP youre essentially buying your spot and wether your buying gold from a site or earning it in game, youre still paying to be carried in essence. In anything but a full guild run should be either personal loot, or roll. You pug, deal with the ninjas like we used to.

I mean all you are proving is that you don’t know the GDKP community at all or are purposefully ignoring the testimony of all the people that run them. It is well established that the number of gold buyers in runs is very small and just spreading misinformation about its impact is exactly why Blizzard isn’t going to address the real problem.

Your sorce? “Trust me bro”?

I told you the source lol, actual community feedback. Whether in the forums, discord, reddit. It isn’t hard to go look in those areas, problem is I k ow you won’t because you would rather stick to an agenda rather than know the truth.

I dont care about gdkps, i care about people coming on here complaining and being intellectually dishonest bc they are upet they cant use a currency to bypass a gameplay mechanic. Aka rng.

Do you really not see the hypocrisy here, lmao.

Well blizzard agrees with people or the ban wouldnt be coming???

We have already established that an ignorant vocal minority can influence bad policy decisions.

Lol this is a hard cope if you think the couple people on here influenced anything in game

Here we are again.

Hats off to the SoD devs for taking out a root cause of RWT. Keep slaying and reporting bots folks. Keep the game clean and as fair as possible. Pumped for p2 more than ever with everything I seen so far.

report all suspected gdkp criminals :oncoming_police_car:


They know this, but they don’t like to read.


“It’s also undeniable that GDKP contributes to and drives a lot of illicit activity, such as real-money trading (RMT) and botting, as it creates a demand for in-game gold that would not otherwise exist. GDKP can create an “arms race” effect that encourages participating players to purchase gold to be able to compete for the best items.”

Bizz seems to disagree w/ you. So who do we believe, the people with actual info or the swipers mad that they can’t swipe for pixels?

Furthermore, bots are much fewer in 1KN and Southern Barrens and illicit gold prices have dropped ~60%. All the available facts seem to point to GDKP’s being P2W and responsible for a large portion of RMT’s. If you have evidence that contradicts this please present it so we can all form an educated opinion. Cheers!

SoD is 90% old stuff with two new raids(so far) and a handful of runes.

It’s not that different from Era dog.

I’m going to believe the ones with the info, you know the actual community that runs them. You keep trying to say it’s all swipers but again thats just misinformation your putting out to try and diminish a group of real player experience that you have prejudice against.

So you say 60%, another said 15% another said 30% and you have others saying it hasn’t impacted it at all. I don’t look at sites that sell gold but it seems simple economics that if you have a phase 2 coming out that will diminish the value of gold then retailers of that commodity would want to offload their inventory before that happens. If there is going to be 5x the amount of gold in the next phase then even selling at 60% off is still a higher price point then they will be able to sell a week from now.