Common Misconceptions About The Undead

Brings blowtorch out

Let’s put that to the test :smiling_imp:

I am kinda fireproof.

Here’s me with the girls swimming in a pool of Fel Lava.


Sure is Forsaken propaganda in here…

Disappointed-- No Murderhobo comment.

:thinking: :unamused:

That clearly is mango juice, nice try…

No. It’s that pool of Fel Lava just outside the Vindishiip on Antoran Wastes. I you look carefully you can see an Army of Light banner right behind my Fel Succubus (the one on fire).

Aren’t the undead also ripped from their afterlives (which do exist in WoW) and barred from returning to them if they die again, condemned to spend eternity alone in an endless void?

Must be radioactive then, just look at ur face :o

We don’t know that.

We know Sylvanas went to the Void. And let’s be frank: She deserves a bit of eternal damnation lol

Ladies dig the tentacles.

Ther’s an issue here. The kind of undead.

There are (way) too many undeads in WoW.

If we’re talking specifically forsaken, it’s clear that it depends on each individual. Probably affected by the time they were dead…the fashion of their death…how rotten their brain is, etc.

Most undead do in fact lose at least some level of emotion. Many have their emotions highly suffocated, in a manner of speaking. Some are capable of empathy yes but not all , and it also has different “levels”.

To be fair, the same happens to living people who go through greatly traumatic experiences.

And dying sounds like a big bad traumatic experience.

So I would assume that if not 100%, at least a big chunk of the emotional changes we see between the Undead and their living counterparts is due to that trauma.

By the end of the day, what we do know is that Undeath is not an exact science. There’s a LOT of variation per individual and not a whole lot of people studying and explaining them lol


Johnny to Dracula “what about a wooden stake through the heart?” Dracula “yeah well who wouldn’t that kill?”

Yeah, well, except if you pierce my heart with a wooden stake nothing happens. If you pierce it with a saronite spike I die lol

I fear undead cats!!! Do you even know how many lives they have?!

Looks at Sylvanas

Gee I wonder why.

I’m sure they feel less love now that propaganda states that everyone they used to love hates them. Those who did see that love are now dead dead.

People will betray you, but a Spider’s loyalty is forever :smiley:

Is Sylvanas even a person? She is a banshee. Are banshees people? And yes, she did betray her people by killing them right in front of their loved ones, sending the living into trauma. That poor old lady finally saw her 3 boys again and watched them disintegrate in her arms.

I remember there’s also a quest at Calston station where you give a lonely forsaken guy a pet murloc to keep him company :slight_smile:


That explains a lot… As usual I love to use my no so suspicious crate in front of the nearby hot springs. And found some Horde Death Knight without armor.

Long story short I’ve expected to scream out in horror and gouge my own eyes out, instead I found myself staring at his backside the entire time…

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I do. Oh you said spare parts.