Common Ground Quest Bug

I’m trying to go through the Venthyr campaign, and i am unable to progress through the quest Common Ground as the prompts for the banners do not appear in game. Even after disabling all addons and reloading the quest and game several times.


I am having the same issue since I wanted the transmog set for my shaman. The banners aren’t there and I’ve dumped the quest 2 times and came back and still nothing? Guessing pre-patch broke something.


Just ran into this myself, tried all the tricks I could think of, guess I should have just checked here first.

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same issue here

Same issue.

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Rage. Same issue. Banner silhouettes are missing.

Nice to know that I was THIS close to getting past the breaking waves of patch brokenness into the open ocean of productive free play.


Same bug here!

Same here as well. Can’t find them at all.

Yep. +1. Same problem. At first I thought this was an issue with the item not being dropped into the inventory given the quest text. Either way, banner silhouettes never show up so you’re stuck on the campaign, meaning it’s very hard to grind out the renown needed for the rank 70 mounts.

Same issue. What a total bummer as I leveled my warrior to 70 and avoided SL entirely so that I could, at 70, skip the main SL campaign and be enabled instead to have the FATE option…so that I could skip to picking convenant (Venthyr) then work toward the Plate armor set.

Now all that time is wasted/lost because they broke this quest in some slappy update.
Lemme guess… in TWW the method by which spots are designated to plant or place something are going to use a different system so altered/axed one used in SL not realizing it?

By suffering succatash, please fix. Pls.

me too, this quest dont work